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"Petrificus Totalus", a voice called out, and Voldemort became instantly petrified. Everyone stopped moving. Who had done that? They recognized the voice, but it was impossible.

"P-Percy?", Harry asked.

"Yep it's me", Percy said, standing up.

"How did you survive that?", Harry asked.

"Worry about it later, we have to worry about Voldemort now", Percy said. Harry turned back around, but Voldemort was no longer there.

"He's gone", somebody shouted.

"Bye Voldy", Percy said. Everyone stared at him. "What, I just told him bye".

"Okay, lets ignore that, how come you are alive? And how did Jason fly", Harry asked. A lot of the wizards said the same things.

He heard Percy shout, "Quick, Charmspeak".

"You are all calm, you didn't see anything out of the ordinary", Piper said. It seemingly worked for a few moments, before they started to protest again, this time louder.

"Piper", Percy said.

"It's not working, there are too many of them who want answers".

"Hazel, Thalia. Use the mist". Harry was going to ask what that meant, but then he forgot what he was going to ask. He was mad at Percy, but he didnt know why. Then it struck him.

"The curse".

Percy looked at the crowd. "Okay this isnt working, can we have a moment?", he asked. Harry obliged, and the exchange students huddled together.

"I was right about them from the start", Hermione said.

"I mean, they have a lot to explain, but they aren't bad people Hermione. Jason did save your life, by flying", Ron said.

Harry agreed with him. "That's all true, we just need them to explain how they could fly, and survive the killing curse".

Hermione snapped her fingers. "That's what happened. Remember how I always talk about that one defense class?", she asked.

"Yes, why?", Harry responded.

"They erased our memories, because Jason flew on the obstacle course we did outside".

"Hermione, you're right", Ron and Harry said. The memories were coming back to him now. Jason jumped off and they all screamed, then he floated up, and the next thing he knew, he was in the great hall.

"Okay everyone, we have made our decision", Percy said, drawing the attention back to them.

"What is it?", the wizards asked. "How could you do those things that you did?", was another question.

Percy took a deep breath. "This probably won't make sense to a lot of you, but we are going to tell you the full truth".

"How do we know?", Hermione asked.

"We swore on the river Styx, that's our equivalent of the unbreakable vow", Percy said. He took one more deep breath, before he spoke his next sentence, which would break their secrecy for the time being.

"We are demigods".

slow claps. slow claps. thats the end of book 1 guys, im gonna take a little break for like 2 weeks, and then write the seequel. as always, enjoy, and goodbye! if you didnt like the ending, please let me know


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