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She looked back behind her, hoping to see the exchange students (Percy and Nico in particular) struggling, but each of them had a tiny marble mansion in front of them with a built in pool and much more. Her jaw dropped. The students definitely were not who they said they were. She saw that 30 minutes of class had passed while she watched Harry try to transfigure the brick. She was impressed with Harry, but she was sure the students cheated. They did say they came here because they surpassed their teachers talents.

Once everyone had non-verbally transfigured the brick (some had tried to do it verbally, but were caught), the class was half over. McGonagall came over and assessed everyones living spaces. She had a surprised look at Harry and Hermione's houses. "Good job both of you". Most people had just managed shacks. She went to the back of the room to the students, all sitting there bored with their mansions. McGonagall's jaw dropped, and she spoke. "Your teachers severely undermined your talents, wonderful job". The demigods all looked smug, and McGonagall went on to the next part of the class.

"Now for the next half hour, we will be discussing the process of turning into animagi". This got everyone listening, even the exchange students, and hushed whispers broke out, about who would be what animal. "Now, turning into one is no piece of cake, you have to keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for one month". Protests started. "How the Hades do we keep it there for a month", Leo shouted out. Nico winced at his sentence. Leo continued, "This is bu-". "Language dear", Calypso smiled at him sweetly. Leo calmed down, and then Calypso slapped him. "You have to calm down, okay?", she said. "Yeah yeah, I can do that", he responded.

"I don't know how you will do it, but it is up to you. Each person must figure out how to keep it there for a month, and then your animal will appear. Something close to your personality". Hermione didn't know what to do, but Harry had an idea that he whispered to Ron. He took out his wand, and said, "Epoximise". Hermione mentally face palmed, before doing the same thing. Now the leaves would adhere to their tongues, and they could repeat the spell whenever they needed to. She looked back, and saw the exchange students already had the leaves in their mouths, and Hermione was curious about their plan. "What are you guys doing?", Hermione asked. "Secret of the trade", Thalia replied, kicking her feet up. Hermione clenched her fists in frustration. Looking at the look in Hermione's eyes, Hazel slowly muttered, "mist". "What is that supposed to mean?", Hermione asked. "It means what I said". Then the students left to talk amongst themselves.

The class ended, and McGonagall dismissed everyone. Hermione then led the demigods to the Charms room, and once again, everyone sat down, Hermione not speaking as much this time. The closer she got to her Defense against the Dark Arts class, the more she wondered who it would be. "Hello everyone", professor Flitwick cheerfully greeted. "Today we will be going to cover the elemental charms, fire, water, air, and earth". Everyone started to speak to each other. Harry smirked. Even Hermione smiled a little. This would be easy. She looked to the exchange students sitting the row across from her. They, again, were still talking and not caring what the teacher was saying. Hermione rolled her eyes. They probably wouldn't be passing anyway. Then the same thing from the last class happened.

"Non-verbally, of course. That is how your newts will be assessed this year, non-verbal magic", professor Flitwick spoke again. Harry's smirk died, Hermione's smile faded, and everyone around them groaned. It was no easy task to release a verbless spell. "We will start off with the fire charm. I trust you all know it?", he asked. Everyone nodded, even the exchange students. Charms passed by in a blur, with Leo almost burning his row down with the fire charm (though she didn't recall seeing him hurt by the fire at all). 

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