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Hermione slammed her clenched fist on the table in frustration. How were they so damn good at this? She was in transfiguration, and had just turned a paper into a rat. She was proud of herself for about 5 seconds before her curiosity won out. Ron transfigured it into a log. Harry transfigured it into a wax statue of some small lizard thing.

She looked behind her and her jaw dropped. She had seen what the exchange students had done separately with the houses and whatnot, but when they worked together, Hermione was convinced that whatever was happening, could not be valid. Nobody can produce this level of magic, not even the professors.

She watched a dolphin jump through flaming rings, chimpanzees doing a synchronized dance number with top hats, polka dot suits, and canes. They had transfigured 12 sheets of paper into an entire zoo. Maybe they arent alive. Or maybe they had found a spell for someone else to do the magic for them. That must be it. Hermione was grasping at straws. They werent doing the magic, thats for sure. The question is how.

McGonagall walked by the exchange students, and had the same reaction that she had before. Jaw dropped. "This is a perfect example that everyone is stronger together, than they are apart", she called out, motioning for everyone to look at her. "Nobody has worked together in any of our transfiguration classes before. If you all were to, I'd like to see how far you can go with your magic.".

Potions were much of the same. She walked into the potion classes, remembering what Slughorn had said to her. "You both have extreme potential. Look". He pointed at most of the potions around the classroom, excluding Percy and Harry's. "You had one of the best potions in the class without speaking to each other. Had you worked together, you would have by far made the best potion in this class. Now you have to focus, and get petty rivalries out of the way. Understood?", he asked.

"Understood", both girls repeated.

"Good. Moving on...", Slughorn moved on.

Hermione shook herself out of her memory. She had to work with Annabeth today, no matter how much her nightmares had told her that Annabeth was not someone to trust. Annabeth was practically an evil version of her. She sat down at her table. Annabeth sat down right next to her.

"So Slughorn said-".


"So we have to work tog-".

"Sure okay".

"You know we dont have to be enemies. We are on the same side here", Annabeth said, looking into Hermione's eyes. Hermione held her gaze for 3 seconds. 5. 10. Then she dropped it.

"I have sources that tell me otherwise" she said, cutting off this conversation.

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