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Leo grinned, and yelled out, "Mcshizzle in the hou-". He was cut short by Calypso clamping her hand over his mouth. She looked apologetically at McGonagall before releasing him. He walked over to the hat with an air of superiority. He sat down and started to twiddle his fingers, unable to wait for even a moment. Lucky (and unlucky) for him, the hat immediately started to recount images of his past.

He was taken back to the fire, where his mother died, killed by Gaea. She did this to break Leo's heart, she said it herself. He quickly saw all of his foster homes, running away, sleeping in sewers. He saw the fight against Enceladus. He grinned at that name, calling his Enchiladas. He was then taken to the fight at the wolf house, seeing Jason witness Hera's pure form.

He remembered the possession of the eidolons, firing on New Rome. he remembered the cave under Rome. The fight against Clytius. The fight against the rest of the giants. The sacrifice. Rebirth. Learning Jsson was dead. All these memories, swirling around his form like a supernova ready to burst. Leo screamed at the raw power he felt, and the hat pulled him back. "GRYFFINDOR, GRYFFINDOR LAST ONE PLEASE", the hat screamed. Leo hopped off, smiled at all of the wizards, holding out a peace sign while he walked back. Calypso, Reyna, and Piper all punched him simultaneously, before looking at each other and grinning. Leo felt a sense of fear wach over him, and he walked all the way to the back and hid behind Percy, who had i=his hand out for a fist bump. Leo obliged, and McGonagall got ready. "The last de- exchange student being sorted now is...".


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