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Hermione held her gaze for 3 seconds. 5. 10. Then she dropped it.

"I have sources that tell me otherwise" she said, cutting off this conversation. She saw that most people were getting started on their potions, ans she turned around to scream at Annabeth. "What did you just do? Now we have no idea what we are making".

"Okay, you willingly participated and responded to me everytime I spoke. Also I understood what he said. We are doing Felix Felicis". Hermione's eyes widened.

"Liquid Luck", she spoke. Thats all she said. She shook herself out of her stupor, and looked at Annabeth. "Okay, so based off of what Ive seen so far, you and I are of equal talent academically, so lets work together and prove everyone wrong", Hermione said

"You got it, lets blow the roof off", Annabeth exclaimed.

"What?", Hermione asked.

"Its an American thing, it means lets do so good everyone else pales in competition", Annabeth said.

"Thats oddly specific, but okay", Hermione said. She opened her spell book to the page, and started telling Annabeth the instructions. Annabeth did it, and everything was going well. Hermione was fine doing the reading. If they were to 'blow the roof off', as Annabeth had put it, she would need to be doing the reading, because the exchange students all had dyslexia. She shouted out what to do, and Annabeth did it. When they finished, Hermione sat back and said out loud, "you know, we do make a good team".

"You said it", Annabeth said.

"You're not bad Chase, but I still have sources going against you. They do seem to be off though, so truce?", Hermione asked.

"Truce", Annabeth accepted, her eyes shining. "What are these sources anyway?", she asked.

"Usually nightmares, because back when Voldemort was alive, they were very accurate. I doubt they would be now though", Hermione said.

"Slughorn is coming, come on, I know we got the second best potion in the class, near perfect".

"That little confidence Annabeth?", Hermione asked.

"Percy is a master of potions, it runs on his dads side of the family", she said.

"Oh, okay", Hermione responded, her smile dimming. She thought about what she had heard in the hallway yesterday. "I know this is Ron's line, but what the bloody hell happened back there?", Harry asked.

Percy looked back at Harry and took a bow in the middle of a crowded hallway. "A magician never reveals his secrets".

"But seriously, what was that?", he asked once again.

"Some talents from my fathers side of the family, I'm pretty good with water and other liquids. One might even say I could control them". Hermione gasped. He controlled the poison.

Harry smiled. "So how did you all get into Gryffindor anyway?", Harry asked. He seemed like he had countless questions for Percy. Hermione tried to listen carefully. She wanted to know this

"Well we have all known each other for a long time. I've known Annabeth for 7 years myself. We are all just incredibly stubborn, and reckless, and brave, though there is a fine line between the last 2".

"Elaborate please, that doesn't exactly explain much", Harry said, curiosity in his eyes.

Percy sighed. "Look Harry, you have had incidents in your past I trust?", he asked.

"Yes", Harry responded.

"The 12 of us have had it pretty bad over the last few years. I won't share details about the others because that's not my call, but as for myself, there's been some stuff. My mom got kidnapped, and I ended up having a gunfight with the kidnapper all while I was 12. I also fell off of the St Louis arch". After Percy said this, he looked around, and locked eyes with Hermione. Not knowing what to do, she fled, walking ahead of them to their Defense class.

Hermione POV of this event, this story in being finished on friday. not sure how many more parts, but Fridays the due date. IDK about sequels, but maybe. as always, enjoy, and peace!


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