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The laughter stopped, and Harry gulped. He took his sword out slowly, and made it look like he was waiting for a slow and thorough analysis. Then, as fast as he could, he swung the sword, at Percy's neck.

Percy sidestepped him quite easily, and he disarmed Harry, and put his sword at Harry's neck. "You see people, this is what you don't do. Always pick a weapon that feels right for you, not one that you think looks cool, or will do more damage. And never underestimate your opponent. It can result in your demise. And don't be this clumsy please. You know what, now that I have seen that this is the best of the wizards, we will be doing additional exercises as well to improve your physical strength, condition, and your flexibility. Understand?", Percy asked. The class mumbled their approval

Harry was steaming. How could he have lost? The speech that Percy made after made him want to kill him. He couldn't syand it anymore. "All right you little-". He was interrupted by a loud crack. It came from outside the castle. He looked around, expecting his so called teachers to say something, when he realized somebody was missing. Neville. The teachers were talking abongst themselves, and they came to a conclusion soon after. "Everyone, we are under track, please stay calm and stay inside of the castle, we will go outside and deal with this", Percy announced.

Harry could not believe it. Did they not know what he was? Even the teachers would have asked for his help. He waited until the teachers all left, and he hissed to Ron and Hermione, "Come on, hurry". He waited until they were right begins him, and he slowly began the walk to his common room. He collected his cloak and wrapped it around themselves. Then he began the walk to all of the noise.

The noise got louder and louder, and soon he was sat down in front of the castle. He opened the door, and what he saw outside blew his mind completely.

again a bit of a shorter update. sorry, ive been kind of busy

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