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Frank was the last person to go, as always, with his last name starting with a Z. he didn't mind though, it let him think. He didn't exactly need this, because he could literally turn into any animal that had ever existed, but he didn't want to seem suspicious to the wizards, plus this seemed like a generally cool thing to do anyway.

He walked up to McGonagall, and began feeling pressure. Everyone else had received a good animal, what if he didnt? He calmed those thoughts down. If needed, he just wouldn't turn into that animal. He was handed the potion, and sent a silent prayer to his father, before drinking. He felt the feeling he normally got when shifting, but stronger. He answered the call, and his body changed.

His nose grew longer and longer, until it was a trunk. His teeth turned into tusks. He grew larger, as large as Will had. His skin was gray. He laughed, and it came out as a trumpeting noise. He took a step forward, and the ground shook. He shifted back, and was smiling with glee. He was an African Bush Elephant, like Hannibal. He ran up to the demigods.

"That was one of the most successful showings i've ever seen, everyone sit down", McGonagall started. Once everyone had sat, she continued. "Those who are animagi, please don't overuse this, or else, it might have to recharge for a month. You can use it, just not for the entire day. Any questions?", she asked. No hands went up.

"Alright then, you are all dismissed, have a good day and see you all tomorrow". As Frank left, he looked back once, and thought of how far he had come. About 2 years ago (or 31 years in the future, depending on how you looked at it), he was a shy awkward kid who had no friends at camp. Now, all hif friends had animal forms, and were the most powerful heroes in the world. He smiled. No matter how difficult his life had been, and would continue to be, he wouldn't give it up for all the money in the world. This was his family now, and he was happy with them.

and we are basically back to normal lenghts. how do you think I did with accuracy for animagi forms?


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