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"No guarantees, but apologies accepted". They hugged each other, and everything was perfect for a moment. Then Piper slapped Jason.

"Sorry, I had to get one last one in. you did almost make us blow our cover, thank god we have Hazel and Thalia, to help with the mist", Piper said. "Alright it's time to sleep, it's the end of our first week here".

"It feels like it's been at least a month", Percy said, walking into the room. They were now all in the common room.

"I mean we've all had our fair share of troubles", Annabeth pointed out.

"True, but I feel like our problems with the wizards are over for the most part", Percy said.

"Not all of our problems", Nico said.

"Nico, relax", Will said.

"They're all just scared of me", Frank said. "I wonder why".

"Dude I was scared of you when I first saw you, not to mention that was before I knew you could-", Leo said

"Leo", Calypso interrupted. Then she spoke in greek. "This isn't just our common room, we have no idea who could be listening to us right now".

"Let me try something", Nico said in greek. He closed his eyes and stiffened for a second. Then he whispered. "There is an extra presence here". He concentrated a little more. "It's Hermione", he said.

"Where'd you learn to do that?", Percy asked, his eyes practically bugging out.

"I've been working on it", Nico said with a cryptic smile. Then he collapsed.

"Nico", Will said. He pulled out his medical kit. "We gotta find a way to make sure nobody sees this", he whispered, forgetting to speak in greek.

"I got this", Percy said.

"Leave it to me", Leo said at the same time. The pair looked at each other, and grinned. A sight that scared Piper. Then Percy sighed.

"It's a good thing Hermione isn't here right?", he asked.

"Yup, she has no idea of the prank we have in store for all of the wizards", Leo said, his grin growing.

"Oh yeah, this is going to be a perfect welcome", Percy responded.

"High five me", Leo said. The 2 turned their backs and high fived.

"Stay turned this way, everyone. She's gonna leave now", Percy said in greek. They waited for 10 seconds. 20. After 30 seconds had passed, they heard silent footsteps up the stairs, into the girls' room. They waited another 15 seconds, then everyone burst out laughing.

"You guys are geniuses", Jason said, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Honestly, they are so gullible, we should do this more often", Frank said.

"Frank", Hazel said. Nothing more.

"Yeah?", he asked.

"Oh. nothing", she said, turning red for no reason. This caused everyone to laugh again. For whatever reason, they were all relieving their stress now.

"We should probably go to sleep now. If this first week was any indication, we have a long few months here, even before the war", Annabeth said.

"Alright, good night everyone", Piper said, walking back upstairs. There was a resounding 'good night' downstairs, followed by people following her up the stairs. She was tired, and she took Annabeth's words to heart. Whatever happened over the next few months, would be rough. She got into bed, and hoped for the best for the future.

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