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The 2 skipped up the stairs, and got into their beds. "Good night seaweed brain", Annabeth spoke. "Night wise girl", was the response she received. Annabeth smiled, and let the sleep overtake her.

Annabeth woke up, and she yawned. The sleep was terrific. She looked at the time. Breakfast was half over. "Holy Hera, Percy wake up!", she said, startled. Percy grumbled. "We're late to breakfast, just so you know". That got him going. "WHAT! What time is it?", he asked. He looked over at their clock. "Schist, it's almost half past breakfast. You take the rooms on the left, I'll take the rooms on the right, lets go". Annabeth waited for him to come back. "Ok we should probably bruh our teeth first". A couple minutes later, Percy and Annabeth were flying around the room waking everyone up. Once everyone had been seated in their common room, it was almost 8:45.

"Alright, hopefully we can do more stuff in our classes today", Percy started. "Hopefully", Jason responded. "We have no idea whether that kind of thing will happen again soon". "I dont think this will happen today, or in the near future for a while, at least", Frank spoke up.

"I agree with Frank, this seemed more like a scouting mission, just for them to know how prepared we are. That probably wasn't even their full army, not even close. They want to see how good we are now, and how good we will be. I estimate an attack every 2 months to test us. They dont want out of date information, and they don't want to overestimate us, but they dont want to underestimate us either", Annabeth finished, almost completely out of breath. "This isnt confirmed, just my view on it, so dont take my word, but I think we should be safe", she finished.

"Well if thats all finished, we should get to class", Calypso said. "I didnt know you would be excited for classes?", Leo asked. "You don't seem like the type". "True, but once we get history of magic out of the way, we have potions, which I am really excited about", Calypso responded, slightly glaring at Leo. "Okay, okay. Lets go people, we have a history class. Yay", Leo said sarcastically. "Oh I have to talk to the teacher of this class for a second guy, so class might start late. Enjoy, and your welcome!", Nico said, his voice turning sharp at the end.

The demigods startd to walk towards the history of magic class, not letting up their conversation about the army the entire time. Once they made their way to the class, Annabeth sat down, and pulled Percy down with her. The demigods all sat around, and they continued to speak, except for Annabeth, who was waiting for the teacher with such intensity that her gaze was like a laser beam. The teacher walked-or rather, floated- into the classroom, and he took his place infront of the classroom.

"Hello everyone, I am professor Binns. Pleased to meet all of YOU". The end of his sentence was a little panicked, as his eyes landed on Nico. "I think we have some stuff to talk about, don't we professor?", Nico asked, not looking for a response. Bunns gulped, and floated outside with Nico. As Nico left the classroom, he looked back at his friends and family. He grinned, and winked at them. This was for them. Annabeth rolled her eyes. She swore that Nico still had a child inside him at times.

Im back, and here to stay. new parts coming out every day of this week if i can. no updates next week though guys, sorry. Im going to Disneyland for a band thing. as always, enjoy the rest of your day, and peace!


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