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Will gripped his boyfriends hand, before taking a breath and stepping forward. He was scared that he wouldn't be with his friends as he hadn't seen battle, only staying behind as a healer and doctoring everyone who needed the help. He knew it was the best way for him to help, but sometimes he wished he could battle. There was always a lot of pressure on him. He supposed he could try to convince the hat to let him into Gryffindor.

Will sat on the stool, and a voice entered his head immediately. Hello there. Hello, Will said back. I can sense that you have not seen as much war as the others, but I still need to sort you. Is there a house you would prefer? I would prefer Gryffindor please. Okay, but I shall still sort you as I see fit. In the end if you don't like the result, then I will put you in Gryffindor. Deal.

Will opened up his mind for the hat, and let himself relieve his memories. He didn't have that many bad memories in comparison to the others, but he had his share. The hat took him back to every single case he had as a doctor, and he felt the pressure he felt then, caving in in him. The hat spoke to him. It takes a lot of bravery to doctor a bunch of demigods, and to do it properly without fail. Even for a child of Apollo you have talent. Will smiled. Thank you, but where will I be sorted? You will know in a few seconds...

The hat cleared its throat, and said out loud, "GRYFFINDOR". He again, received claps from the gryffindors, and went back to his friends, his family. Nico leaned over to him and whispered, "I didn't know doctors are that brave". Will blushed, and whispered back, "I have a role model for bravery you know". This time, Nico turned red. Percy nudged them both, and pointed at McGonagall who was ready for the next name. "The next student is...".


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