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Chapter 21: The Story of the First Daughter's Survival (21)

    Lin Jian rested for a while, then got up and meditated.

    Since she came to this world, in addition to fighting against the children of luck every day, she also spends time re-cultivating her own destiny exercises "Body Refinement" and "Soul Refinement Technique".

    As the name suggests, "Body Refinement Technique" forges the body, and "Soul Refinement Technique" repairs the soul.

    However, the spiritual energy in this world is too thin, and she has been busy for two months before she reluctantly draws the energy into her body and reaches the first level of Qi refining.

    Although her combat power is already at the ceiling level of this world, she was, after all, a great power in the transcendence period, and she rose to the realm in half a step, so she is still very dissatisfied with the current cultivation speed.

    What's more, in order to pretend to be a coward in front of the sixth prince today, all the spiritual energy that was finally gathered in the body was exhausted.

    Fortunately, she has become accustomed to the operation of the spiritual energy in her body, and it is not a problem to practice again.

    The meager spiritual energy in the air slowly penetrated into her body from all directions, filling her meridians again, and faintly touching the bottleneck of the second layer of Qi training.

    By the time it stopped, it was almost noon.

    The maid Lan Xin knocked on the door outside, looking a little hurried: "Miss, are you awake?"

    "Come in!" Lin Jian shouted loudly.

    Lan Xin pushed open the door and entered, without waiting for Lin Jian to ask a question, she explained the purpose

    of her visit: "Miss, Eunuch Li has come to announce the decree, and he also said that he brought His Majesty's reward."

    Lin Jian quickly finished washing up, changed her clothes, and came to the front. In the hall, I saw that Li Daquan was sitting there drinking tea, and his mother Shen was entertaining. The two seemed to be talking about something, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

    "Yo, Miss Lin is here!" Li Daquan's eyes were sharp, and when he saw Lin Jian, he immediately got up to say hello.

    "It's been a long time for your father-in-law to wait."

    "No trouble, no trouble." Li Daquan smiled, read the imperial edict according to the procedure, and said, "Miss Lin, the emperor is very happy today, and I have specially summoned you to enter the palace in the afternoon. talk."

    "Why are you so happy?" Lin Jian asked.

    "That Mr. Zhang Zijing, Mr. Zhang, presented the complete and proper water control strategy to the emperor early this morning. Long Xin is very happy! All this is thanks to Miss Lin's meritorious deeds. No, the emperor asked our family to bring rewards. "

    Lin Jian didn't expect Zhang Zijing to move so fast, she just gave him the things last night, and he passed it on to the emperor this morning, no wonder the emperor was happy.

    After being troubled by the disaster in the south for so long, he finally saw the light of day, can he be unhappy?

    "I see, thank you father-in-law for running, and I will trouble father-in-law to report back to the emperor. After lunch, I will enter the palace to see you." Lin Jian said, handing Li Daquan a silver coin.

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