Chapter 416

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Chapter 416 Stunning Alchemist (22)

    Ruan Beiying is a little clever.

    Otherwise, it would be impossible to use the calamity of the monster to kill his own sister, but no one would suspect it.

    After getting the map and jade pendant given by Lin Jian, she did not act immediately, but returned to Sifang City as soon as possible to find her father.

    Ruan Zhenting went out to practice in his early years, and he made friends and knew a lot.

    Therefore, Ruan Beiying decided to discuss with him.

    After returning to Sifang City, she immediately found Ruan Zhenting and told the matter again.

    Ruan Zhenting held the map in his hand, looked at it carefully, and finally nodded, and said,

    "What I said above is true."

    "Many years ago, when I went out to practice, I met a friend, he is Xian Kongshui. The descendants of Jingxuan Zun's apprentice also have a similar map in his hand."

    "I saw the copy in his hand at that time, and it was similar to this one, but without the details."

    With Ruan Zhenting's words, Ruan Beiying immediately Don't worry.

    Soon, as the city lord, she convened the city's elite, selected many loyal and responsible people, and formed a demon slayer team.

    There is only one goal: to get rid of the Demon Venerable.

    After everything was ready, Ruan Beiying set off with someone, and started to reinforce the seal according to the map and instructions given by Lin Jian.

    Lin Jian followed behind.

    Wherever Ruan Beiying goes, she goes too.

    When she encountered strange materials along the way, she collected them and stored them in her own space.

    Because these things may be precious materials for alchemy, and may be used in the future.

    Besides, she was happy to be Ruan Beiying's secret plug-in

    Ruan Beiying couldn't find the materials to strengthen the seal?

    She used an illusion symbol to change her identity, pretending to be someone who lived nearby, and guiding Ruan Beiying.

    Ruan Beiying encountered a difficult monster in her journey?

    She used another phantom talisman and changed her identity again, pointing her sword at the sky to help beat those monsters into pieces.

    Ruan Beiying encountered difficulties from local tyrants and powers?

    She also had an illusion symbol, changed her identity, and used a few precious medicinal pills to negotiate a deal with others.

    Therefore, Ruan Beiying felt that her luck on the way was too much!

    No matter what difficulties you encounter, you will find someone to help you.

    More importantly, these nobles did not ask for anything in return. As soon as they heard that she was trying to seal the Demon Venerable and maintain the peace and tranquility of Yunmi Continent, they generously helped.

    This made Ruan Beiying sigh involuntarily: There are so many chivalrous men on Yunmi Continent!

    People like this who don't seek fame, fortune, and money, and just act with righteousness in order to seal the Demon Venerable, make Ruan Beiying's seal road, I don't know how smooth it is.

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