Chapter 437

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Chapter 437 Escape Female Anchor (15)

    The hospital fell into a deadly silence.

    In the live broadcast room of the audience, the night vision mode is also turned on, so that the audience can clearly see the players' every move.


    Just when Duan Shaowei and Lin Jian were silent, a voice suddenly sounded.

    It was like the sound of someone dragging a sack on the ground, or the sound of some kind of large animal crawling on the ground.

    The rustling, from far to near, became bigger and bigger, and soon it seemed to be resounding in my ears.

    After a while, the voice stopped outside the office door.

    Although there is no light at all, people in the room can clearly feel that there is something standing outside the door, and it seems that they can see everything in the room through the darkness and the door.

    Darkness can deepen one's fear, especially in this unknown situation.

    On Duan Shaowei's forehead, the slightest trace of sweat oozes out.

    He swallowed nervously, and finally couldn't help but open his mouth and asked in a breathless voice,

    "Boss, what should we do now?"

    Lin Jian was thinking—

    in the background of the game, only Mention that monsters will hunt at night, infecting others.

    But there is no mention of how the monsters find their prey.

    odor? sound?

    Or is it that this kind of monster can completely ignore the darkness?

    Of course, before she could judge anything, Duan Shaowei asked.

    Although his voice was very small, it seemed to alarm the monsters outside, and suddenly a loud noise came from the door.

    Dong -     in this case, you can't see or touch, he and Lin Jian have no telepathy and can only communicate by language.     Speaking is inevitable.

    like something heavy hitting the door.

    "I... shouldn't I speak? Did it hear it?" Duan Shaowei asked.

    "Don't blame you, there are only two normal living people in the hospital." Lin Jian said, and took out two flashlights from her pocket.

    She stuffed one in Duan Shaowei's hand, and said again:     " Since you     've

    been discovered, you have to fight or run. Anyway, this house can't stay here." When it was opened, light suddenly filled the entire room.     ——? ? ?     ——Does anyone know how the big guy's flashlight came from?     ——I suspect that I overlooked it, but I didn’t leave even one step!     - I am not Sister Li.     Of course, the audience didn't know how Lin Jian's flashlight came about.     Because she took it out from her own space, and she collected materials and stuffed it in the apocalyptic world.     After the end of the apocalypse, the rest of the supplies were thrown there, useless all the time.     Unexpectedly, it came in handy today.     Of course, she dared to take it out, naturally she had already thought of the reason for the explanation, so she said to the audience in front of the screen:     "Have you forgotten?"     "The newly recruited doctor will receive basic supplies after completing the formalities. "     At that time, Nurse Xiaohong took me to pick up a box."     "The flashlight is there. I thought that since the game background mentioned the rotation of day and night, the flashlight might be useful. I put it in my pocket." The     audience remembered that Lin Jian did receive a box.

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