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Chapter 51 Eighty Zero College Students (13)

    Du Yanping scolded a few words, and others thought it was quite reasonable, and immediately followed Lin Jian, saying that she was a disaster star and sweeping star, not only the Kelin patriotic family, but also Lin Baozhu now.

    Listening to these unpleasant scolding, Lin Jian felt that it was nothing, but the system was not light, and she was very angry for her host:

    [Wow, host! These people are so shameless! To scold you with such vicious words! 】

    【Go, let's clean them up! 】

    "Just scold them, and they won't lose any meat, just let them go." Lin Jian saw it openly and comforted Tongzi, "What's more, they can only have a good time with their mouths, and they can't really do anything to me. If I even care about such trivial matters, then I don't have to do anything else, just go and quarrel!"

    [Humph! Then let them go for the time being, and make them look good later! 】

    Lin Jian watched the surveillance for a while, listening to Lin Baozhu's family of four from denounced her collectively to discussing how to bring good luck back.

    They thought of a lot of methods, but they all felt unreliable, and finally Du Yanping said:

    "As I said, since Lin Erya is an unlucky broom star and affects the good luck of our treasure, then we should drive her out. , anyway, she was not originally from our village, so Lin Aiguo and his wife took a wild seed as a treasure."

    "How to chase it away?" Lin Jianjun asked casually, "Now is not the time in the past, if you want to chase it away, chase it away, even if you want to chase it away. Village cadres have no right to drive people away."

    "You don't have to worry about it, anyway, I have a way. After a long time, I will let Lin Erya stay in the village and have to leave!" Du Yanping vowed.

    Lin Baozhu looked excited: "Mom, it's all up to you!" When

    Lin Jian heard this, the corners of her mouth flashed with interest. She was a little curious about what Du Yanping wanted to do, but no matter what tricks the other party had, she would see the trick anyway. Just dismantle.

    Du Yanping's offensive came quickly.

    A few days later, Lin Yan came back from the outside, covered in dirt, with messy hair, and a bruise under the corner of his eye.

    "Second brother, what's wrong with you?" Lin Jian was shocked.

    You know, Lin Yan can be regarded as the most respectable and gentle in the family of five.

    He is not like Tian Xiufen who speaks in a village style, nor is he old and dumb like Lin Aiguo, because he has been studying since he was a child, and he is well trained by the school, and his whole person is full of a kind of clear book spirit.

    So it's hard for Lin Jian to imagine that Lin Yan would actually fight someone.

    Others also came over to care, Tian Xiufen even wiped her tears in distress, shouting that she was going to settle accounts with others, and everyone calmed her down for a while.

    "Ayan, what's going on?" Lin Aiguo also asked.

    "Mom and dad, you don't know yet?"

    Lin Yan couldn't hide his excitement as soon as he spoke, and his expression was extremely angry:

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