Chapter 417

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Chapter 417 Stunning Alchemist (23)

    Lin Jian sat on a big tree next to her, leaning against the branches, her feet were still swaying, not to mention too leisurely.

    Unbeknownst to her, she thought she was on vacation.

    But in fact, she came to fulfill the wish of the original owner, and by the way, to destroy the Demon Venerable and maintain peace.

    【bored to death. ]

    [Talking about these two, they are also a demon and a city lord, and the fight is like a pediatrician. ]

    [It's not as good as the Eagle Shooting, Shendiao, and Yitian I saw. 】

    "Don't sully Mr. Jin Yong's work with this kind of stuff, OK?" Lin Jian rolled his eyes, "It's good to have a play, don't pick and choose, after all, it's relatively easy to complete tasks in this world."

    Lin Jian felt I didn't do anything myself.

    It's just a few words of fooling around, who knows that the people here have a stubborn mind, and they believe what others say.

    Ruan Yulin was like this, and so was her mother Ruan Beiying.

    Maybe it's genetics.

    Just as Lin Jian and Tong Zi were fighting against each other, there was a sudden gust of wind around them.

    I don't know where a gust of demonic wind came from, 360 degrees without dead ends raging, so that the nearby sand and gravel are flying around, just like the villain in the TV series.

    After this gust of wind, there were more figures around Lin Jian.

    No, strictly speaking, there should be an extra soul shadow, because the one that appeared was also a divine soul.

    Lin Jian turned her head to look, and was stunned at a glance -

    the spirit next to him, dressed in white clothes better than snow, floating like a fairy, with a long body like a god, his long black hair was half-held with a crystal-clear hosta, and the rest The next batch comes down and blows behind you.

    The breeze was blowing, and the hair was fluttering lightly, as if to ride the wind.

    What an extraordinary and refined appearance of an exiled immortal!

    The most important thing is that face, which is not a "handsome" word to describe at all.

    Just looking at it, I feel that there is no more stunning in this world.

    The most important thing is that Lin Jian actually felt that this divine soul made her feel very familiar. It was a kind of familiarity engraved in her bones, just like the first time she saw Lu Fan in the eighty world.

    Lin Jian:

    "Lu Fan?" Lin Jian said tentatively.

    "It's me." The spirit next to him nodded, "Now I'm just a remnant of a soul, I have no flesh, and I use my original face. I thought you wouldn't recognize me."

    "So the real you looks like this . , it's pretty good!" Lin Jian sighed.

    Lu Fan couldn't help laughing, and then changed the subject:

    "I originally saw the devilish energy here, but after the devil appeared in the world, I thought the world would be in chaos again, but I didn't expect to come, but I saw you."

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