Chapter 408

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Chapter 408 Stunning Alchemist (14)

    The Demon Venerable Remnant Soul got the Soul Shaping Pill, and while the fire hadn't gone out and no one came in, he directly swallowed the Soul Shaping Pill.

    It is safest to eat something in your stomach.

    In this way, no one can take it away.

    As for Ruan Yulin, she is a fool anyway, and she will make up some excuses to delay the time.

    When he has completely digested the Soul Shaping Pill, his soul power has returned to its peak, and when he no longer needs her, he can leave her completely!

    It has to be said that Demon Venerable Remnant Soul has a good abacus.

    Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that all of this was in Lin Jian's calculations.

    Just when the remnant Soul of Demon Venerable swallowed the Soul Shaping Pill and was about to return to Yu Peili to cultivate and cultivate, there was suddenly one more person in the room where the fire was shining.

    With a slender body and a mask, it was Lin Jian.

    When the Demon Venerable Remnant saw Lin Jian, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was full of shock:

    "When did you come here?"

    "You are an alchemist, and you don't have the slightest bit of vindictive cultivation. How did you come in?"

    Lin Jian looked at the remnant soul of the Demon Venerable, with a mysterious and unpredictable face on his face, and bluntly revealed his identity:

    "The Demon Venerable of Hellfire Realm has not been seen for five hundred years, but I didn't expect it to look like this!

    " As soon as the words came out, the Demon Venerable was even more horrified.

    The remnant soul involuntarily made a defensive posture, and his eyes were full of surprise:

    "Who are you? Why do you know the identity of this deity?"

    "You mentioned five hundred years, do you mean that you are also a person five hundred years ago? But Why do you look like this?"

    Lin Jian didn't want to answer his words, she wanted to carry out the mystery to the end, so she said:

    "The Demon Venerable has always been aloof, it's normal not to recognize me, I'm just a little alchemist."

    "My Soul Shaping Pill was originally made for Demon Venerable, but I didn't expect you to come out on your own before I went to find you!" The

    Demon Venerable Remnant Soul heard this, and was even more puzzled:

    "Specially for me Refined? You want to save the deity? Why?"

    Lin Jian showed a standard villain smile and said,

    "Because I want this righteous path to perish!"

    "In the past, I was addicted to alchemy, and I was indifferent to the world, just because my parents and relatives He is a citizen of your Hellfire Realm, and the Xuanzun of the Immortal Sky Water Realm will kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

    "How can a person like him deserve the title of the leader of the righteous path? I swore that I would completely destroy the righteous path of the world that Xuanzun guards!"

    Lin Jian's words were purely made up.

    After Mozun was sealed by Xuanzun five hundred years ago, Xuanzun himself died, and there was no indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

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