Chapter 424

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Chapter 424 Escape Female Anchor (02)

    It's a wonderful feeling to be able to play with and manipulate other people's lives!

    Zhong Shubai was originally a shady anti-social personality. With such unpredictable methods, how could he hold back?

    As a result, in every corner of the world, a large number of people who committed suicide for no reason suddenly appeared.

    One or two times, no one may notice, but the number of deaths is large enough to attract the attention of the relevant departments of each country.

    After investigation, it was found that all the deceased had one common characteristic:

    they had played the "Infinite Escape" holographic game.

    The more times the coincidence is, the more it is not a coincidence.

    Therefore, people from the relevant departments have their eyes on the game developer Zhong Shubai.

    However, the current highest technology representative of Bluestar is Zhong Shubai.

    Relevant state departments have searched for a lot of experts secretly and secretly to check the game helmets and investigate the holographic data, but they can't find any problems.

    In desperation, the country can only take risks.

    Select a group of people and enter the game as sampling data.

    In order to prove that there is a problem with the game, the state has gathered a large number of volunteers in the form of volunteer recruitment, who are of different ages, genders, and regions.

    These people will be gathered by the relevant state departments, and their every move will be under the eyes of the investigators.

    Then, let these people enter the game as players, and after the game is over, live under the control of the state, and see if they will die.

    The original owner is one of the volunteers who voluntarily signed up to participate in the game and sampled data.

    She came for the high welfare given by the state.

    The original owner, also named Lin Jian, was born without a parent and mother. He grew up with his grandmother, and has lived with his grandmother for 20 years, and has a deep relationship.

    But grandma has cancer and she needs money to operate on grandma.

    However, she is an ordinary person and cannot earn high medical expenses in a short period of time. Fortunately, she overheard a friend talking about the recruitment of game players by the country.

    Because of the high risk involved in this matter, the original owner signed an agreement with the country before entering the game—

    whether she died in the game, came out alive, or died inexplicably after coming out like other dead people , the state will pay for all her grandmother's treatment costs, and give her grandmother's retirement.

    Grandma's illness was saved, and the original owner took a little luck and entered the game.

    Yet she was of the unfortunate category.

    Not long after loading the game, due to being cowardly and not good at words, he did not interact with the audience in time, and was soon voted for death.

    Her consciousness was wiped out and she died in the game world.     "The anchor's death vote rate has reached 50%, and the warning is obliterated once!" The     mechanical voice sounded again.     But Lin Jian, who understood all this, no longer cared.     How could it be hard to live with her in an infinite escape game?     It is said that this game is very difficult, and no one has ever been able to clear the level at one time, so she will be the first person!     Thinking of this, Lin Jian immediately stood up and faced the audience in front of the screen.     Then he showed a confident and flamboyant smile:     "Hello, everyone from the audience, my name is Lin Jian, please remember this name!"

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