Chapter 399

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Chapter 399 Stunning Alchemy Master (05)

    The conflict here was quickly spotted by the admissions teacher who was maintaining order.

    He came over and didn't mediate the dispute between Ruan Yulin and Xuanyuan Qinger. He only glanced at the carriage of the Ruan family and said,

    "Fengwu College's rules are that if you go up the mountain to study, you have to walk up the mountain."

    "Crossing the Qiuzhi Bridge . , Climb the heart-level."

    "Only those who can persevere can get the admission examination qualification of Fengwu College."

    "I don't know which young lady these carriages belong to, please go back down the mountain and go up the mountain again according to the rules. "

    Ruan Yulin naturally couldn't be tougher in the face of a teacher who was more powerful than himself.

    So she bowed and apologized:

    "I'm sorry, teacher, we came in a hurry, we didn't understand the rules, we offended."

    Soon, the carriage of the Ruan family left in a mighty manner.

    Such a big battle, just like when they came up.

    The excitement was over, and the boys and girls who were studying were queuing up obediently again, waiting for the assessment.

    Lin Jian asked Tong Zi to turn on the monitor to monitor Ruan Yulindi's every move.

    After Ruan Yulin went down the mountain, the mask disguised on her face suddenly shattered. She threw the tea set she brought from home to the ground and scolded angrily:

    "Bah! What! It's just a princess!"

    "Wait for me to fix it. In order to make a big increase, even His Majesty has to give three points to me when he sees me, what is she a princess!"

    Ruan Zhenxi understood better than his elder brothers and sisters, he couldn't help but say:

    "You two, if you are impulsive and mindless, go up and follow The princess is on the bar; a blind self-confidence, I don't know where the confidence comes from, let Your Majesty give three points."

    "If you have this skill, you might as well climb two steps and go up to the queue early."

    Ruan Yulin glanced at his brother, and his eyes appeared A sneer:

    Where did the confidence come from?

    Of course, it was the confidence that Tianfeng's body gave her!

    It is also the confidence that Yu Perry's remnant grandfather gave her!

    With these two things, she believes that she is famous all over the world, it's just a matter of time!

    The three siblings bickered and went up the mountain.

    This time they behaved well, and all the servants they brought from home stayed at the foot of the mountain, and all those gorgeous dresses and hairpins were also given up.

    I only chose a few simple clothes to change and took with me. I packed lightly and walked quickly.

    This is also the rule of Fengwu College:

    when studying in the college, you cannot bring servants, and you need to do everything yourself.

    Even Xuanyuan Qinger, the royal princess of the Dongyu Kingdom, was standing in line alone, and she did not let her servants do it for her.

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