Chapter 327

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Chapter 327 The Nine Princesses of Restoration (25)

    Tongzi quickly figured out the "Invader Pioneer 002".

    Lin Jian understood the information, and she knew what she had in mind. She nodded towards the Emperor Xichang, who was sitting on the head. In the collision of the two people's eyes, everything was tacit.

    After the reception was over, Lin Jian followed the Emperor Xichang to the imperial study and wrote a list silently.

    Then he told the Emperor of Xichang about Du Ping, the commander of the Xiaoqi Battalion.

    "So that's the case." The Emperor Xichang nodded after hearing the whole story, "In this case, everything is explained. When Du Ping was seriously injured in the process of suppressing bandits, the military doctor had already determined that he would not survive. I didn't expect that after being in a coma for a few days, he miraculously woke up again."

    Now that I think about it, he was able to wake up because of the intruder's credit, and only in this way can Du Ping be convinced of it.

    "Your Majesty, now those worm eggs are only spreading in the palace and the Gyeonggi Guards, and have not spread to the common people. It needs to be dealt with as soon as possible." Lin Jian said.

    "You're right." Emperor Xichang glanced at the list and said, "I will find a way to gather all of them and catch them all in one go, and then I will ask the Nine Princesses to help expel the bugs from their bodies."

    "Yes, then I will wait for the news of Your Majesty." Lin Jian said.

    With the example of Da'anguo first, Lin Jian has basically figured out the situation of these Zerg.

    Only a few numbered "invader pioneers" are truly intelligent creatures.

    As for the eggs spread by the invaders, because they have not yet grown, they do not have their own active thinking, and only passively accept the consciousness of the invaders' vanguard orders.

    Therefore, as long as the intruder on Du Ping is not allowed to find out, these people will not suddenly alienate into Zerg like those of the Gao family.

    Before they alienate, as long as they take out the parasitic bugs on them, they will be fine.

    Emperor Xichang was an emperor after all. If he wanted to do something quietly, it was very easy, and it didn't take long for things to progress.

    He first ordered people to build a Buddha statue as quickly as possible, and then asked Du Ping to do it. Take someone to escort Buddha incense to Foyuan Temple in the western suburbs of Kyoto.

    He also told Du Ping that he must fast and bathe for a whole day in Foyuan Temple to show his devotion.

    In this way, Du Ping can be spared for a day, and it will not prevent Lin Jian from dissolving others.

    Afterwards, the Xichang Emperor gathered all the generals who had been attacked by Gu, as well as the soldiers of the Gyeonggi Guards, on the grounds of military training.

    Lin Jian did the same, using the insect-inducing powder to get the bugs out of these people.

    In the shocked eyes of a group of people, the Xichang Emperor himself gave an explanation:

    "Du Aiqing was deceived by liars in all corners of the world, and mistook the harmful Gu worm as an elixir that could improve combat effectiveness. Now I have found out the truth."

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