Chapter 402

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Chapter 402 Stunning Alchemist (08)

    I saw Lin Jian move his fingers slightly, draw a talisman with his spiritual power, and then hit the test ball.

    character is the separator.

    The function is to isolate the inside and outside of something, forming two parts that do not interfere with each other at all.

    The principle of the test ball is that there is a certain element in it, which can be sensed with the test person, and then let the element emit light.

    What Lin Brief did was to isolate the elements from the testers. In this way, Ruan Yulin couldn't measure his aptitude at all, and could only show his current cultivation.

    Before Ruan Yulin obtained the body of Tianfeng, his cultivation base was the second-order orange energy. After this period of practice, he barely reached the threshold of third-order yellow energy.

    Soon, a yellow light glows around the test ball.

    But in fact, this is not the light of the test ball at all, but the color of vindictiveness displayed by Ruan Yulin's palm.

    Since the palm of her hand is against the test ball, it looks like the ball is coming out.

    When the invigilator saw this, he recorded it on the paper:

    "Ruan Yulin, third-level yellow qi, average qualifications, assigned to Class C, this is the admission certificate, take it."

    Ruan Yulin heard this, and immediately became anxious:

    "Impossible! How is it possible that my aptitude is only third-order yellow energy? My current cultivation base is already third-order!" As

    soon as these words came out, there was an uproar:

    "Damn! This year's genius is too many! The third-order yellow gas!"

    "What is this? Don't forget, the test ball measures the highest aptitude!"

    "Yes, she was measured to be third-order, and now her cultivation base is third-order, isn't it ? Said, she can only stay at the third-level cultivation level in her life, and can't make an inch?"

    "Then why are you still going to school? No matter how much you learn, that's what it is anyway!"

    "No wonder she dared to argue with the princess before, she turned out to be a self-proclaimed genius, is she dumbfounded now?"


    "Student Ruan Yulin, there is nothing wrong with the test ball. If you don't believe the result, then there is no need to enter Fengwu Academy." The invigilator said.

    "Senior, what's going on?" Ruan Yulin asked.

    "Impossible, I have never made a mistake in this exercise, you ask to test it again!" said the remnant soul.

    So Ruan Yulin did as he did.

    But there is Lin Jian's talisman in the test ball, no matter how many times she tests, the result is the same.

    In the end, she reluctantly accepted this "general qualification" evaluation.

    Not only did he not become a blockbuster, he didn't even make it into Class A, so he could only go to Class C.

    With so many students studying, most of them are generally gifted.

    Therefore, Ruan Yulin can only become an ordinary person in the vast sea of ​​people. Except for leaving some gossip and talking, he did not get the slightest attention.

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