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Chapter 456 Female Anchorwoman Escape (34)

    Lin Jian's live broadcast room.

    Some viewers couldn't stand it and left first. Some viewers also left because they were busy with work or studies, but there were also many new viewers who came in after watching online videos.

    It has come and gone, but the popularity of the live broadcast room is still the highest.

    Half an hour passed, and Lin Jian called Duan Shaowei, who was sleeping soundly.

    Just listening to the mechanical sound of the game:

    "The player will enter the ninth level: rape werewolf and kill."

    "After half a minute, the player will be loaded into a three-story villa scene, and other players or NPCs will have a werewolf game. Kill the game."

    "Because the rules of this level are complicated, the detailed rules will be explained after the player loads the game."

    "The countdown starts:..."

    Lin Jian and Duan Shaowei looked at each other after hearing this.

    What kind of rule is it that makes the mechanical sound too troublesome and too complicated?

    Lin Jian has never played the game "Werewolf Kill", but he has heard of it before, but "Killing Werewolf" seems to be different.

    Soon, the two loaded the game and came to the hall of a villa.

    There was a large round table in the middle of the hall, ten chairs were placed around the round table, and Lin Jian counted, there were exactly ten people in the hall.

    Everyone has a badge on their body with their name written on them.

    Except for her and Duan Shaowei's normal names, everyone else knew at a glance that they were NPCs produced by the system in batches.

    Because they are respectively called:

    Little A, Little B, Little C... All the way to Little H, there are exactly eight people.

    "Players and NPCs please sit around the round table," said the game machine sound.

    Lin Jian followed the process and found a place to sit down at will. Just as Duan Shaowei was about to sit with her, she was stopped by Lin Jian:

    "You go across from me."

    In addition to listening to other people's language descriptions, Lin Jian also asked. You have to watch everyone's expressions.

    Two people sitting together, the line of sight is not wide enough, sitting face to face, just to be able to see people in different directions clearly.

    Duan Shaowei understood what Lin Jian meant, so he quickly sat down opposite.

    Other alphabetic NPCs also took their seats at will.

    At this time, the game mechanical sound sounded again:

    "Because there are too few players entering this level, there are not enough people to make up ten people, so we chose NPC to make up the number, please understand."

    "Next, I will announce the rules of this level for everyone. "

    First of all, about the werewolf killing: the werewolf killing in the ten-person game, there are 3 werewolves, 3 priests, and 4 civilians."

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