Chapter 400

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Chapter 400 Stunning Alchemy Master (06)

    Lin Jian didn't care what the invigilator was thinking, she just followed her own steps.

    Although the method of alchemy is different from that of Yunmi Continent, with her past experience of studying alchemy, as long as she controls the heat, there will be no problem.

    As time passed by, the invigilator still shook his head and sighed.

    Just when he thought that the little girl in front of him was out of action, a wisp of white mist suddenly overflowed from the pill furnace in front of him, followed by bursts of fragrance.

    "This is..." The invigilator stared at the pill furnace, seemingly unbelievable.

    As a teacher of Fengwu College, even if you don't know how to make alchemy, you still need a basic knowledge reserve.

    It is well known that it is difficult for an alchemist to advance to the advanced stage.

    That is because the medicinal pills refined by ordinary people all contain erysipelas. Although it can have a beneficial effect on the body after taking it, there are also some residual toxins.

    Erysipelas has no fixed number, sometimes it doesn't have much effect on the body, but sometimes it can kill people.

    However, there is only one kind of medicinal pill that does not have erysipelas, and that is the ninth-grade medicinal pill.

    Only a ninth-grade alchemist can refine the ninth-grade medicine pill, which represents the highest level in this world.

    Although the invigilator has never seen it before, he has heard that the fragrance overflowing from the pill furnace is a precursor to the ninth-grade pills being able to become pills.

    In other words, in the process of alchemy, if there is no clear fragrance, it must not be the ninth grade.

    As long as there is a clear fragrance, there is a half chance of being ninth-grade. If it is not ninth-grade, then this potion of medicinal herbs is a refining failure, and it is not even a first-grade.

    Therefore, the fragrance from Lin Jian's pill furnace made the invigilator so excited.

    "I must be thinking too much! How could such a young girl be able to refine a ninth-grade medicine pill?" The invigilator laughed at himself, "If she has such skills, she will be a guest wherever she goes, and there is no need to do so. Come to Fengwu College to study."

    However, after fiddling with it a few times, she almost freed up the ninth-grade medicine pill, which is not bad.

    The invigilator did not underestimate Lin Jian this time.

    He thinks that this is a good seedling, and he is admitted to teach slowly, and maybe he will achieve something in the future.

    At this moment, the pill furnace in front of him changed again -

    the white mist floating out from the top gradually condensed, flowing at a slow speed in the air, and finally condensed into a phoenix with wings ready to fly.

    "This is... a vision?" The

    invigilator involuntarily took a few steps closer and murmured,

    "I was fortunate enough to see Mr. Cangwu concoct alchemy, but if a ninth-grade alchemy is achieved, there must be a vision, and this little girl can actually do it. Let the Pill Stove produce a vision..."

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