Chapter 384

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Chapter 384 Chief Female Forensic Doctor (14)

    Chen Dawei's crime of killing Li Qian is clearly explained.

    But He Fangqin looked at what police colleagues found from Chen Dawei's house, slowly pushed it in front of him, and asked,

    "We have already understood the grievances between you and Li Qian."

    "Now please explain, these The photos of young women, what the hell is going on."

    Chen Wei looked at the photos in front of him, all of them were young girls, about the same age as Li Qian, his eyes moved:

    "Anyway, it's hard to escape. Jie, I'm not afraid to admit one more thing."

    "These people are targets that haven't had time to start."

    "After killing Li Qian, I have an urgent desire to talk, and I hope someone will know about me. Great feat, affirm my actions."

    "So I edited this incident into a post and posted it on a local forum in Pingcheng."

    "A group of brothers in the forum thought I was writing a novel, and they came over and complained about me. , said that my novels were brought into reality, and they had a similar experience."

    "They worked hard for their girlfriends to go to college or graduate school, or pampered his wife like an ancestor, but his wife cheated and cuckolded him..."

    "That way There are countless things, and the more I hear it, the more I get angry, I think such a woman is just like Li Qian, and it deserves to be damned!"

    "I asked them for photos and said they would avenge them, and they gave me all of them. "

    It is also fortunate that the police caught Chen Dawei so quickly, otherwise Chen Dawei would not know how many people he would kill next.

    These women are blatantly wrong, but that's not the reason why he kills at will.

    So far, all the doubts about the Yuyang Lake corpse dismemberment case have been cleared up, and Chen Dawei confessed to the crime.

    The case was over, and Lin Jian was also relieved.

    When she got the case closing report, she suddenly remembered the original plot-

    Chen Dawei was not caught so quickly, while the police did their best to solve the case, Chen Dawei continued to commit the crime, killing the women in the photo .

    But now, because of her interference, the number of victims has been minimized.

    She is not a god or a saint, she can't be a prophet, and she can't save everyone in Pingcheng, but she will do her best to eradicate the evil on this side.

    "Forensic Doctor Lin, are you free now?" Luo Xiaozhou knocked on the door, then pushed open her office and asked.

    "What's the matter?" Lin Jian asked.

    With a bright smile on his face, Luo Xiaozhou said,

    "Team He just sent the case closing report to the leaders above. The leader said that our inspection team will close the case within three days this time, which is very good."

    "The leaders also said Now, we are asked to hold a case briefing as soon as possible to explain the truth of the case to the public, in order to stabilize people's hearts and consolidate the credibility of our police!"

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