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Chapter 171 Almighty fake daughter (03)

    At ten o'clock, the students of the high school started their self-study next night.

    The three girls in the same bedroom as Lin Jian, Xue Can, Zhao Xiner, and Gao Ya walked towards the bedroom while chatting.

    As the footsteps moved from far to near, their voices gradually became clearer--

    "Hey, did you find out? Lin Turtledove never came back after going out for self-study in the evening, and the few who followed her didn't come back. Do you think something happened?"

    "Never mind her, Lin Turtledove is so annoying, out of sight and out of mind, do you care where she went?"

    "I'm not curious to ask!"

    "You said her face It's really thick enough to steal Sang Sang's original life for 18 years. After being discovered, she still has the face to continue to stay in the school. If I were her, I would find a place to die as soon as possible!"

    "... "

    Lin Turtledove in their mouths refers to Lin Jian.

    Because she occupied the magpie's nest, she was called this extremely insulting nickname by the classmates of the whole school.

    When the three stepped into the bedroom, they were talking vigorously, but when they entered the door unexpectedly, they saw Lin Jian sitting on her own bed, looking at them with a smile that was not a smile.

    They were startled, and Zhao Xiner was the first to get angry:

    "Damn it! Lin Jian, you are sick! You are so scary at night, don't you make a sound in the bedroom? Did you do it on purpose?"

    "Yes, I did it on purpose. It's a pity, why didn't I just scare you to death?" Lin Jian stared at her and retorted.

    "What did you say?" Zhao Xiner was stunned, and was immediately stunned.

    She couldn't believe it, when did Lin Turtledo have such courage to speak back?

    In the past six months, no matter how she scolded her in the dormitory, which time did Lin Turtledo not endure it obediently? An air bag?

    "Xiaoya, Cancan, did you hear that?" Zhao Xiner laughed angrily, "This shameless Lin Turtledo dares to talk back! Have we been so kind to her during this time that she forgot herself Your identity?"

    "That's right, if you don't show her some color, she'll really forget how much she is!"

    Gao Ya agreed, turned around and went into the bathroom with Xue Can, each holding a basin of water When he came out, he splashed at Lin Jian without saying a word.

    Looking at this skilled posture, it can be seen that they do this kind of thing a lot.

    In the past, in order to prevent the original owner from sleeping, they all splashed water directly on her bed, and the quilt and mattress were all wet, so the original owner could only make do with the wall all night.

    Just when they thought the plan was successful and they were ready to watch the show, Lin Jian took action.

    I saw she jumped off the bed, kicked up, swept across, and kicked back the two basins of water directly. The water in the basins splashed and drenched Xue Can and Gao Ya.

    There was a dead silence in the bedroom.

    Lin Jian took out the acting skills she had cultivated in the world of female stars before, with a sinister smile on the corner of her mouth, and said in a very distant and ethereal tone,

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