Chapter 372

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Chapter 372 The Chief Female Forensic Doctor (02)

    Tong Zi showed the entire content of the email in front of Lin Jian. The content was as follows:

    Su Qingling:

    Hello, I am you in thirty years, and I am fifty-three years old this year!

    When you see this email, it proves that I have successfully sent it, the first email that can communicate with the past.

    Thirty years later, I'm not doing well.

    After my father was in prison, I sold his private detective studio and opened a small bakery in Pingcheng as a small business.

    But I had no talent for business, and the bakery quickly went out of business.

    I wanted to find a job, but people heard that I had a criminal father, and they refused to ask me; I also wanted to take the public exam, but my father's imprisonment prevented me from going this route.

    I have thought about other ways to start a business one after another, but none of them have been successful.

    I have no university diploma, no education, no resume, and no glorious family background. In the end, I can only rely on odd jobs to get by, busy and wandering all my life.

    At the age of fifty-two, I have entered middle-aged and old age.

    Because of his illness, he could not do heavy work at all, and could only make a living by picking up waste.

    Maybe it's because God sees me pitifully and can't bear to see me so displaced, so when I was picking up scraps, I found a strange computer.

    Its other functions can not be used, only a function to send mail.

    And the recipient can only be myself thirty years ago.

    I sent this email with the mentality of giving it a try. If you can see it, it proves that I have succeeded. Please remember what I said:

    first of all, do not sell your father's studio, do not go to Doing business, because you have no talent, you will lose all your money.

    Secondly, you must inherit your father's work and become an excellent private investigator. I will tell you the situation of certain cases in the future by email.

    Finally, use the information I told you to slap those cops in the face and avenge your father! We must let everyone know that those so-called Pingcheng criminal nemesis are just those who seek fame!

    If you can do as I say, you will definitely be able to shine in Pingcheng and become the best private detective. By then, you will have natural wealth and food and clothing!

    And it was such an email that opened the door to Su Qingling's new world.

    Su Qingling didn't immediately believe what the email said, but she didn't sell the detective studio immediately, but waited for a while.

    Wait until the first case mentioned in the email happens.

    It was a kidnapping for ransom case.

    The son of a rich man in Pingcheng was kidnapped, and the kidnappers asked him to extort ransom. The rich man asked the inspection team for help and asked the inspection team to rescue his son.

    Five comrades from the inspection team cooperated with the police and rescued the child within two days.

    Later, when the news was reported on this case, the time, place, characters, and general process of solving the case were all the same as the emails Su Qingling received.

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