Chapter 410

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Chapter 410 Stunning Alchemist (16)

    Ruan Yulin didn't care what Xuanyuan Qinger was thinking.

    She is more anxious now because her jade pendant is gone!

    Previously, Yu Peili's senior thought of a way for her, saying that she should put the jade pendant in the alchemy room, she would go out for an excuse, and when the fire started, the senior would help her take away the soul-shaping pill.

    That way, she has a perfect alibi.

    After everyone cleans up the alchemy room, someone will definitely find the jade pendant. At that time, she will say that she lost it. Anyway, the jade pendant looks ordinary from the outside.

    No one else could have imagined that a remnant lived in it.

    But the previous plan went very smoothly, whether it was Jian Ling or others, although she suspected her, there was no conclusive evidence.

    She thought she could escape the catastrophe, but she didn't expect that the jade pendant was lost.

    In other words, she was so busy that she didn't get the Soul Shaping Pill, and even lost the senior soul who helped her.

    Without seniors, there would be no one to guide her to practice, and she would not be able to make good use of the body of the phoenix.

    This matter made her very anxious, but she couldn't tell anyone, including her two younger brothers.

    After all, whether it is the remnant soul of the senior or the body of the phoenix, it is something that makes people jealous. She knows the truth of the crime of cherishing jade, but she does not dare to talk about it.

    For this reason, she always looks preoccupied.

    But when a friend who had a good relationship with her before asked the reason, she hesitated again and refused to say it clearly.

    Many times, other people feel that she is a domineering person and refuses to communicate with them, so they don't like to stick to her cold ass.

    Xuanyuan Qing'er made his move under such circumstances.

    It was relatively easy for her to deal with Ruan Yulin.

    After all, the power of a princess of a country is far stronger than that of someone from a small place in a remote area like Ruan Yulin, and her influence is large enough.

    Although Ruan Yulin's cultivation base is a leader among the freshmen, he has gathered a group of supporters.

    But soon these people were bought by Xuanyuan Qinger.

    Before, she was disdainful to do this kind of bribe because she felt that it was unnecessary, and to care about someone from a small family would lose her face as a princess of her own country.

    But now, it's not enough to ignore it, and the Soul Shaping Pill must be retrieved.

    Therefore, Xuanyuan Qinger began to use her personal connections to bully Ruan Yulin in Fengwu College.

    She had followed her before, and as a princess, she promised them all kinds of benefits.

    Those who supported Ruan Yulin in the past were also bought by her with various treasures, either money, weapons, or talismans, or even official positions in small places, she could call the shots.

    As a result, Xuanyuan Qinger's power expanded rapidly, and she called on the entire new group to isolate Ruan Yulin.

    The academy has regulations that classmates cannot fight or kill each other. If you want to compete and learn from each other, you need to be in the ring. After signing the agreement, you can play openly and honestly, and it will stop.

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