Chapter 446

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Chapter 446: Escape Female Anchor (24)

    Just when the brothers and sisters were in shock, the barrage in the live broadcast room gave them the answer:

    ——What Shao Wei said is true! I just ran a search on the Internet, and all of them are video clips of Lin Jian's high-energy clearance!

    ——Xiaolu Xiaolu, remember to hold your thighs perfectly, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to grab the position of the big guy's leg pendant!

    ——Chen Wei is a rare smart person in escape games. I have been following you for four months, but today I am allowed to leave once. I will go to Lin Jian's live broadcast room to see the first perspective!

    --what! Weizi, I'm Pippi! In this level, you must remember one sentence: what Lin Jian said and what you did, you will definitely pass the level!


    Pippi who sent the barrage was the thin guy Lin Jian met in the third level "Violent Flying Chess".

    He, Fatty and Chen Wei are real friends.

    Since he was rescued by Lin Jian from the sledgehammer at the flying chess level, he has become a loyal supporter of Lin Jian.

    Chen Wei saw that his friend also said the same, so he completely believed Wei Shao's words.

    He and his sister Chen Lu looked at each other, and the two of them showed a tacit expression:

    This level, the leg pendant of the big brother, is set!

    At this moment, Du Xiaofei, who was walking in front, seemed to notice that the four of them were walking too slowly, so she turned around and shouted,

    "Hey, hurry up! It's going to get dark if you wait any longer!

    " That's it!" Lin Jian responded, removed the soundproof talisman, and quickly chased after him.

    The other three followed closely, after all, they had to follow in the footsteps of the boss.

    While walking, Lin Jian counted the time:

    more than half an hour had passed since she woke up in the van.

    According to the two-hour reincarnation in the game, it is very close to the time of dark, and they must arrive at the Nether Village before dark.

    Otherwise, nothing will happen along the way.

    "Xiaoxiao wrote in the letter that there is only one way to go to Nether Village, and you will arrive at the end." Du Xiaofei said while walking.


    When Lin Jian heard this, she quickly checked through Tong Zi's surveillance.

    Then she discovered that, although there was indeed only one way, it had no end at all.

    The endless road stretches for thousands of miles.

    Go on like this, let alone enter the village, you can't even see the shadow of the ghost village.

    something wrong!

    Lin Jian's expression froze, and she stopped.

    "What's the matter?" Duan Shaowei always pays attention to the boss. Seeing Lin Jian stop, he immediately asks.

    "Don't you think that we are taking the same road?" Lin Jian said, and then pointed to a stone not far from the road, "I remember five minutes ago, Chen Lu stumbled on this stone and almost stumbled. Falling down."

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