Chapter 355

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Chapter 355 White Moonlight Stand-in (19)

    Shen Anyi is recovering, and Mo Chichen is in custody.

    As promised before, Mo Jinghuan quietly built the plank road and darkened Chencang in the Mo family's company, gradually eroding Mo Chichen's power.

    Lin Jian devoted herself to preparing for the Young Emerging Designers Competition.

    When Mo Chichen was released from the detention center, the winter vacation was just over, and the students of University A came back to school with their suitcases.

    Lin Jian's three roommates returned to the dormitory on the same day.

    "Happy New Year everyone, I brought some specialties from home, put them on the table, and take what I want to eat by myself, you're welcome!" Jiang Yuhan said.

    "That's great, I like the sausage your mother made the most, it's super delicious!" Yang Jingwen was pleasantly surprised.

    The dormitory was chatting and laughing in harmony.

    After everyone packed up the dormitory, cleaned up, and sat on the chairs to rest and chat, Chen Xuejiao suddenly asked,

    "By the way, are your design drawings good? I heard that the registration time is only two days!"

    "Two days later . , if you do not submit electronic manuscripts online, even if you give up automatically, you have to hurry up!"

    Yang Jingwen and Jiang Yuhan said that they are ready, and they can submit design drafts when the registration channel opens.

    As a result, Lin Jian asked:

    "Do you need to submit an electronic manuscript for registration? Is a paper manuscript not enough?"

    In fact, Lin Jian only returned to school at the end of the last semester, and he did not understand many things clearly. The competition was also from his roommates. heard from the mouth.

    She didn't ask more about the specific requirements, so she didn't know that the electronic manuscript should be submitted for registration.

    But the three roommates clearly misunderstood -

    they all knew that Lin Jian was an orphan, and the conditions were not very good.

    Jiang Yuhan quickly took out his tablet and stuffed it into Lin Jian's hand:

    "Paper manuscripts are not good, because they are too easy to be damaged. If you pass the primary election in school, you have to send them up layer by layer, and there are no electronic manuscripts. This is a concern."

    "Your design draft has been drawn, and it is very fast to copy a copy on the tablet. I have borrowed the tablet for you these two days. Come on, try to get it before the deadline!"

    Yang Jingwen flipped through her bookshelf. He turned it over, found a piece of paper, and put it in front of Lin Jian:

    "This is a quick way to use the software that I organized when I first learned to draw with a tablet. You can see the functions of different brushes and layers at a glance. You'll see it at a glance."

    Lin Jian:

    These roommates are really too warm!

    Thinking of her as the former Lin Jian, I was worried that she didn't have any painting equipment, so I took the initiative to lend her a tablet; I was also worried that she had never used this kind of equipment before and wouldn't know how to use it, so I gave her a guide.

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