Chapter 447

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Chapter 447 Escape Female Anchor (25)

    At this time, it was exactly an hour after Lin Jian and the others loaded the game.

    "Old man, we are here for the wedding." Duan Shaowei said to the old man, "How do I get to Zhou Xiaoxiao's house?"

    Strictly speaking, this is not Zhou Xiaoxiao's hometown, but her fiance's home.

    But the player does not know the name of the fiancé.

    "Marriage..." The old man nodded, "We have a family that is going to get married recently. It's a girl from another place who is married. Come with me."

    After that, the old man turned around and led the players towards Zhou Xiaoxiao. Go to the fiancé's house.

    Through Tongzi's monitoring, Lin Jian looked at the layout of the entire Nether Village -

    found that the entire village was not big, there were only about twenty or thirty households, but the strange thing was that the houses here were turned into a yin and yang gossip array. shape.

    There is a small road in the middle of the village, in the shape of an S, which is exactly the dividing line of this yin and yang gossip.

    Soon they arrived at the door of Zhou Xiaoxiao's fiance's house.

    Zhou Xiaoxiao seemed to know that they were coming, so she waited at the door. The first time she saw them, she ran over and took Lin Jian's arm:

    "You're here! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

    "We The wedding will be held tomorrow, so you can stay here with me tonight, and let's get up and put on makeup in the morning, okay?"

    Lin Jian nodded and asked again,

    "What about them? Do you also live here? "

    They have other arrangements. You are my good friend, of course it is different from them." Zhou Xiaoxiao smiled.

    Lin Jian looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao's expression and found that she didn't mean to ask Du Xiaofei where she was going.

    It stands to reason that Du Xiaofei is also the bridesmaid invited by Zhou Xiaoxiao.

    Now that Du Xiaofei hasn't arrived, Zhou Xiaoxiao should have asked a question, but she didn't ask, her words and deeds seemed to be completely indifferent.

    Or, she didn't even need to ask to know what happened to Du Xiaofei?

    Under Zhou Xiaoxiao's arrangement, Lin Jian and the other three were separated and lived in two different houses.

    Lin Jian and Zhou Xiaoxiao live in one room. I heard that this is the house where the villagers specially receive daughters-in-law from other places.

    The daughter-in-law from other places married from afar, but due to customs, she could not live in the groom's house directly before the wedding, so she built such a house specially.

    When waiting for the wedding, the groom will walk around the village and pick up the bride here.

    After settling down, Lin Jian said to Zhou Xiaoxiao,

    "I've never been to such a beautiful place before. I want to take a look around."

    "No problem, but remember, you must come back before it gets dark." Zhou Xiaoxiao He said, "This is the rule of Nether Village. If you don't enter after dark, very bad things will happen!"

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