Chapter 356

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Chapter 356 White Moonlight Stand-in (20)

    Mo Chichen was rectified twice by Lin Jian, and he can be considered smart.

    The first two times, no matter whether it was bribery or false accusation, he was the one who rushed forward and sent the handle to Lin Jian.

    But this time, he decided to do something different - didn't

    Lin Jian try to escape from his control?

    This competition must be her chance.

    As long as she can stand out in the emerging designer competition, then she has made a good start in the fashion design industry and will not worry about development in the future.

    What he has to do now is to cut off her path.

    There's no way she could call the police, right?

    After investigation, whether it is to let the person from University A go out for the top package, or there is a problem with the registration system, in short, no matter what the reason is, it has nothing to do with him.

    Lao He went to University A and personally asked the teacher in charge of holding the competition to explain the situation.

    The teacher could not be the master either, and did not dare to arbitrarily deprive a student of his future, so he reported the matter to his superiors.

    The final result was that the reports were reported layer by layer, until the principal was alerted.

    Lao He was sitting in the principal's office, drinking tea while taking out the style of an elite butler from a wealthy family, and negotiating with the principal:

    "Oh, principal, you need to be flexible about some things!"

    "I think we The school's dormitory building is very old, and my president intends to donate a few buildings to your school to show his affection and support the development of the school."

    "Also, I think the school's electronic system is also very old, and bugs often occur from time to time. Some students' information was innocently lost, are you right?"

    "My president can't bear to see your school's running conditions are so difficult, so he wants to donate a few more servers to your school..." The

    principal listened to Lao He If so, my heart suddenly becomes like a mirror-

    They found all excuses for him, saying that there was a problem with the school's electronic registration system. What else could he say?

    What's more, there are several new dormitory buildings, plus large-capacity servers!

    Under such conditions, who wouldn't be moved?

    "What Mr. He said is that our school's system is really outdated, and it can be paralyzed by overloading at any time."

    "As the principal, I can't help it..."

    So, the two of them had a tacit understanding. , a consensus was reached.

    In front of Lao He, the principal even asked someone to come over and crash the school's system server, and took the opportunity to delete Lin Jian's registration information.

    Seeing this, Lao He was very satisfied and said,

    "Don't worry, the principal, someone will come over this afternoon to talk to you about donating the dormitory building."

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