Chapter 404

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Chapter 404 Stunning Alchemist (10)

    After listening to Lin Jian's words, Mr. Cangwu was stunned, and said,

    "The Yunmi Continent has produced many talented people from ancient times to the present, and among them there are many alchemists who are more talented than me. But I never found it."

    "It's a good thing that you have this ambition, but you need to know that there is a difference between a dream and a wishful thinking."     "Do you know the weight of a soul-shaping pill?"     "You are trying to cause disaster . Upper body? Do you want to lure all the younger generation to Fengwu College to steal the pills?"     "Teacher, don't worry, there won't be too many people here, I just let those who should know know about it." Lin Jian said, " It will never disturb the tranquility of the academy."     Lin Jian explained to him the difference between the two medicinal herbs, and showed him the ancient books he had read before.     Seeing this, Liu Zhao was immediately excited:     "Soul Shaping Pill is a very good thing, the material is rare, and it is not easy to refine, and ordinary people can't refine it at all."     "That kid just now said that the little girl named Jianling wants to refine plastic. Soul Pill, I don't know if it's true or not."     "If it's true, you must get it! It will be of great benefit to your cultivation!"     "Is it more powerful than the body of the phoenix?" Ruan Yulin asked .     The remnant soul continued to flicker:     "It's much more powerful! This is an elixir applied to the soul!"

    Lin Jian: ...

    you're a teacher, it's just not encouraging your students to innovate, why? Do you even pour cold water on the students?

    However, Lin Jian is not the one who flinches. She said,

    "Then in Yunmi Continent, from ancient times to the present, including you, no one has developed a medicinal pill that does not contain erysipelas. Didn't I refine it?"

    "How do you know that I can't find a suitable substitute?"

    Mr. Cangwu: ...

    that makes sense!

    "Okay, in addition to the undead turtle bones and dragon scales, I have five other materials in total. I will give you three for you to toss."

    "Success is good, but if I fail, I will not have nothing."

    Although other materials are also rare, they are not extinct and can still be found on Yunmi Continent.

    Therefore, Mr. Cangwu was also generous and gave Lin Jian three copies to refine the Soul Shaping Pill.

    "Teacher, can I ask you one more thing?" Lin Jian got the materials, and by the way, she made an inch.

    "You say."

    "I have to speak out and say that I want to refine the Soul Shaping Pill, and I will say that the materials are all given to me by you." Lin Jian said, "If anyone asks, please don't clarify. "

    Lin Jian meant this to make others think that Mr. Cangwu gave her all the materials.

    Including undead turtle bones and dragon scales.

    When Mr. Cangwu heard this, a look of inquiry flashed in his eyes, and then he said:

    Mr. Cangwu was silent for a moment, then nodded:

    "I believe you are a measured person. People, they have their own rules for doing things, and I won't say much about this matter."

    "Thank you, teacher." Lin Jian thanked him very gratefully.

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