Chapter 334

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Chapter 334 The Nine Princesses of the Restoration of the Kingdom (32)

    Beiyingguo compromised very quickly, and it didn’t take two days to give the answer:

    within the next five years, each year, Daanguo will pay tribute to 1,000 horses and 3,000 cattle and sheep in exchange for Lin Jian’s help. Solve the worm eggs in the people.

    Lin Jian felt that it was reasonable, so she agreed and signed the contract.

    After the peace talks, the Prince of Xichang left Beiying with the spoils, but Lin Jian stayed here and spent about five days to solve the remaining eggs.

    So far, the alien zerg invasion plan has been completely declared bankrupt, and the world can no longer find a single alien species except for the native snakes, insects, mice and ants.

    The plague of insects has been cleared, the war has stopped, and the original owner's commission has long been completed.

    Lin Jian's mission in this plane was almost completely over, but she did not leave directly, but continued to stay here, intending to do something meaningful.

    She wants to promote the awakening of women's independent consciousness and improve the status of women.

    To be honest, in a feudal society where men are superior to women, it is actually a very unrealistic fantasy to talk about the awakening of women's awareness of independence.

    Because the concepts that have been hidden in people's bones for thousands of years are deeply ingrained and cannot be changed so easily.

    But this time, she wanted to give it a try.

    After all, there is a good opportunity this time -

    it is also the ancient plane. When she was in the world of her daughter, she didn't think about it at all, because she knew that to talk about the superstructure aside from the economic foundation would be a hooligan. .

    In the absence of any reasonable opportunity, she went to shout slogans in the air, saying that women should be independent, broaden their horizons, and not circle around the back house and men, which has no effect at all.

    But now this plane is different.

    Lin Jian has successfully spawned a part of the buds of women's independence consciousness, that is, the group of daughters and daughters headed by Ruan Qingqing, Yun Qianer and others.

    She taught girls that chastity is not the only criterion for judging a girl's survival.

    She made the girls understand that when they stepped out of the boudoir, they could face the wider world.

    She also proved to the girls that what they thought and learned in the boudoir in the past could not only help them become the hostess and host the central feeder, but also have a wider range of uses.

    When the meaning of life is no longer limited to one acre of land in the back house, then girls can have more ways to realize the value of life.

    These women are the pioneers of the awakening of women's independence consciousness cultivated by Lin Jian.

    "Ninth Princess, you can leave now." General Qi came in and told Lin Jian.

    That's right, Lin Jian will leave Cangyan City with the wool from Beiying Country, and the commander of this battle, General Qi, will also return to the court.

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