Chapter 362

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Chapter 362 White Moonlight Stand-in (28)

    When several roommates heard Lin Jian's words, their first reaction was stunned.

    But after they reacted, they immediately began to discuss the feasibility of this matter one by one -

    Yang Jingwen was the first to agree, and she gave her reasons:

    "Actually, this It's a good idea. If you study our major, after graduation, there are only two ways to go."

    "Either go to work in the design department of another clothing company, or open a studio and do it alone."

    "But work is controlled by others. If you get in the way, the degree of freedom is not as high as opening a studio; and opening a studio by yourself is risky and the market fault tolerance rate is very small."

    "So, instead of taking action after graduation, it is better to start a business now."

    Yang Jingwen said, in fact, clothing The general state of the design industry.

    Small designers like them, unless they have extremely high talent, can become popular because of a piece of work, otherwise they can only step by step and gradually improve their whole life.

    If you are working for others, you will basically be left alone.

    It's better to take advantage of your youth, work hard, and be your own boss if you succeed, and you will have a greater right to speak in the future.

    If you are lucky and can make a brand and reputation, it will be even better.

    Even if it fails, there is still a second choice.

    "I agree too." Chen Xuejiao followed closely. "In the initial stage, it is suitable to open an online store, and the cost is not high. The customer group is the alumni of our school, and we will gradually expand the popularity in the future.

    " Jiang Yuhan, she has already taken out the notebook and pen from the drawer:

    "Come on, let's discuss first what steps we need to start a business."

    "I'll write down a few first, and then you can think about it carefully, and add what comes to your mind. We will make a detailed plan at that time.”

    "Now that there are support policies for college students to start their own businesses, maybe we can still get sponsorship..."

    So, Lin Jian just started, and the remaining three roommates began to automatically Planning the follow-up things, the efficiency is very high, amazing.

    Lin Jian couldn't help complaining to Tongzi again:

    "This is the friend who has the same three views. Everyone encourages each other, supports each other, and makes progress together. This is the best way to live in life."

    "Actually, if the original owner hadn't met Mo Chi Chen and Shen Anyi are a brainless couple, and her future will not be too bad, because she has a group of very cute friends." The

    original owner's talent is actually very good, even if it is not as good as Lin Jian's plug-in, but in this A Big is definitely at the top of the list.

    [Master said: Life is like opening a blind box, you never know whether to take out a flower or a piece of shit on the road ahead! 】

    "Don't quote randomly! I don't remember which 'child' ever said that!"

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