Chapter 340

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Chapter 340 White Moonlight Stand-in (04)

    Alarming the health bureau and the police department is no small matter.

    The director of Cixin Hospital soon heard about this, and hurriedly brought everyone to the large conference room of the hospital, trying to explain the situation clearly.

    After all, their hospital is so good, how could something go wrong?

    Must be a misunderstanding! Just explain clearly!

    Someone from the health bureau asked, "Who made the complaint call just now, saying that Han Yongjie, the vice president of Cixin Hospital, violated the regulations and refused to admit patients?"

    "It's me!" Lin Jian immediately stood up and admitted.

    "Reporting requires evidence. We can't suspend a medical worker just because you just said a word." The person from the health bureau said, "Excuse me, do you have any evidence?"

    Lin Jian could hear this sentence. Not to make things difficult, but to follow normal procedures and routinely ask questions.

    She nodded, took out her mobile phone, and called up the recording: "I have a recording of the phone call, which contains a conversation between me and Vice President Han, and he said     it


When she called, she recorded it.

    Since the law-blind tyrant must pay the price, how can it be done without any means?

    "The doctor is benevolent, how could you kick someone out just because the patient's fee is due?

    " He is qualified to do this, but someone told him to do it." Lin Jian immediately released the second recording of the call.

    This recording is a conversation between Han Yongjie and Mo Chichen.

    She had just arrived at the hospital and heard that Han Yongjie was reporting her movements to Mo Chichen, and immediately asked Tong Zi to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two of them and recorded it.

    Doesn't this work?

    In the spacious conference room, there was silence, only the recording in Lin Jian's hand made a sound——

    "Mo... Young Master Mo, Lin... Miss Lin is... here!"

    "What did you say? She just left not long ago, did you see it wrong?"

    "No, it's really her, what should I do now? "

    Hmph, what if she rushes to the hospital? She has no money and can't afford her brother's medical bills. You just drive people out!"

    "But... it's against the rules."

    "The rules are dead ." , people are alive. After one minute, your account will be more than 50,000 yuan, which is faster than what you can earn as a doctor. You know what to do, understand?"

    "Young Master Mo, don't worry, I will follow your instructions. I ordered

    it to be done." The call ended here, and not long after Han Yongjie hung up the phone, he saw the police station and the health station coming before he had a fight with Lin Jian.

    How did things get to this point, he was still confused.

    "So, Vice President Han not only refused to accept patients in violation of the regulations, but now he has an additional charge of accepting bribes." Lin Jian said, "As long as you check his account, you will know whether the recording is true or false. I have reason to suspect now. Mo Chichen bought Vice President Han, wanted my brother's life, and was suspected of intentional murder!"

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