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Chapter 151 Martial Arts Devil Head (23)

    Lin Jian knew that Lin Zhaoyang was worried about herself, but she had confidence in her ability, and after thinking carefully, she advised:

    "Father, I can handle more than a dozen first-class masters of the Demon Cult with ease, are you still worried? What will happen to me?"

    "Even if it is really exposed, I will definitely be able to retreat."

    "What's more, as the leader of the martial arts alliance now, I should lead by example and contribute to our martial arts in the Central Plains, so you don't have to stop me. I'm gone."

    Lin Zhaoyang wanted to say something, but seeing Lin Jian's firm and persistent expression, he could only sigh and let her be.

    After all, he knew in his heart that if Lin Jian was determined to do this, he wouldn't be able to stop him.

    At this time, Sect Master Liu asked,

    "I don't know how many people you plan to choose to pretend to be members of the Demon Sect? How can you pretend to be a member of the Demon Sect so as not to let the Demon Sect find out that something is wrong?"

    "Besides me, there are Junior Brother Bai Muhan and Junior Sister Qin Shuang. "Lin Jian said, "The three of us are enough. Too many people are suspicious."

    There are three reasons why Lin Jian only brought these two people

    . Therefore, the disciples of Fengjian Villa must contribute more.

    The second is because she has never gotten along with other sect disciples, and if she doesn't understand the unfamiliar situation, it is not easy to arrange.

    The third is because Qin Shuang's golden fingers are best used in this situation.

    "As for how to impersonate so as not to be discovered..." Lin Jian thought for a while, and then said, "I know a friend who is proficient in disguising art. Maybe he can help."

    "The art of disguising?" Zhou Baozhu asked. Said, "The leader of the alliance said that the Lord of the Nether Palace?"

    Lin Jian: ...? ? ?

    What the hell is the Lord of the Nether Hall? She was clearly talking about Lu Fan! ! !

    There are so many vests and one identity for a while. Could it be that he always seeks help from others?

    Seeming to see Lin Jian's doubts, Zhou Baozhu explained:

    "The Netherworld Palace is a force that is separated from the black and white. It never participates in the war between the righteous path and the demon religion, and will always remain neutral."

    "But both the righteous and the devil dare not offend it, because it has the largest intelligence network in the entire river and lake, as well as the top group of assassins."

    "Walking in the rivers and lakes, the most important thing is the credibility of the news. What the temple is doing is the business of empty gloves and white wolves."

    "The temple master of the Nether Hall is a master who is proficient in disguise, and he is the only master, because only he can make human skin masks, and can mix fakes with real ones."

    "Rumors , no one has ever seen his true face, maybe he is out of the house, and any passerby you encounter may be him." The

    only person who can make a human skin mask?

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