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Chapter 191 Almighty fake daughter (23)

    Lu Fan looked at Mr. Lu for a while, then nodded: "Okay."

    Mr. Lu cried with joy, and called Lu Fan's parents with red eyes to tell them the great news -

    the child finally spoke, and he was right The outside world has responded!

    Lu Fan's parents are both scientific research workers. As soon as they heard the old man's words, they immediately put down the project in their hands and planned to rush back to verify it in person.

    At the same time, things about Lin Jian continued to spread.

    Some people on the Internet are already clamoring for someone to kill Lin Jian. Just when the situation was about to get out of control, the Haishi Police Station issued a statement:

    Haishi Police Station V; Regarding the recent Internet rumors that Ms. Liu Manshu deliberately 18 years ago There has been a new development in the case of the baby swap. A

    week ago, a nurse who claimed to have worked in the Haishi No. 3 Hospital, Ms. Xia, came to our police station and turned herself in.

    She claimed that the change of the children was her fault, not Ms. Liu Manshu's intention. She also has relevant files and evidence in her hands. After verification and verification by the police, the evidence is true.

    The police statement was brief but informative.

    As soon as it was sent out, it directly smashed those who were on the Internet Heilin Jian and Liu Manshu.

    What is the child exchange thing, is the nurse's work error?

    In other words, Liu Manshu was wronged from beginning to end?

    Then why did Liu Sangsang testify against her in front of so many media?

    If Liu Manshu was wronged, then Lin Jian was also a victim of the nurse's work mistakes. She didn't want to exchange children, so how innocent is she?

    Just when there was a lot of clamor on the Internet and there was no clear statement, the police posted another Weibo, this time with a video.

    The video is Xia Ling, who was beaten with mosaics. She stated what happened from beginning to end.

    Of course, this statement is also "artistically processed":

    "Actually, as early as when the child-changing incident first broke out, I wanted to stand up and admit I was wrong, but the public opinion at that time was terrible, and I was worried about affecting my family and children."

    "Later, my mother fell ill and I I was so busy that I didn't have time to take care of other things, so I forgot about it for a while until Liu Sang Sang found me."

    "Liu Sang Sang is the real daughter, she called me and said she knew about my job. She said she would give me 3 million for the mistake, and told me to hide it. I was short of money to treat my mother, so I agreed."

    "I concealed the evidence in my hand and told myself She kept silent about her work mistakes, and allowed Liu Sangsang to slander Ms. Liu Manshu. But after this incident, I have always had a bad conscience. "

    "Until recently, I saw the news of Lin Jian winning the championship, and seeing her being bullied     at school, I felt even more guilty, so I thought about it and decided to surrender." In the obstetrics department, there are not only the Lin family and the Liu family, but also another family. They put a video camera in the baby room and want to record the baby's growth every day.     "I'm different from you, we will never be friends, and we will never be friends." "     "It's even more impossible to join forces!" "     "Since that's the case, then I'm welcome!" "Liu Sangsang's face changed suddenly, his eyes became hideous, and he patted Lin Jian with two talismans in his hand.     This talisman is the exorcism talisman she asked for from Fairy Lingdan, which can make the soul that does not belong to the body leave the body. , according to Fairy Lingdan, it is specially used to deal with those who take the house.     And Lin Jian belongs to the person who takes the house.     Liu Sangsang's movements are fast, and Lin Jian has no intention of guarding, so she really let her Hit the exorcism on himself.     Then...

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