Chapter 335

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Chapter 335

    After listening to Qi Zhuyu and Jiang Yuzhi's plans, Lin Jian turned her attention to the others:

    "What about you guys? Do you want to do anything?"

    "I want to open a small restaurant." It was Shen who was good at cooking. Xuan, "I'll be the proprietress myself and make my own money. If I meet a man who doesn't dislike me in the future, I'll recruit him and let him run a restaurant with me."

    "Of course I'm committed to making money." Zhu Xiuru smiled. "Preparing for the war before, I have already tasted the sweetness of making money, and I happen to have this talent myself. It's a pity to not use it! Maybe ten or twenty years later, I will become the richest man in our Da'an country, and I will become the emperor's gift. How about the royal merchant!"     "I plan to travel with Miss Jiang, identify more Chinese herbal medicines, and study more fragrance formulas." Yu Lanzhou said, "When I'm tired and don't want to go anymore, I'll find a beautiful, Open a shop in a place with simple folk customs." The     girls talked about their wishes and goals, and what Chen Suqin will do in the future will be different from others, she said:     "I am not as versatile as you, and I don't have too big ambitions."     "I want to build a nunnery on the mountain outside the suburbs of Beijing, as a final shelter for those women who can't stand in the mundane world."     "In the nunnery, they can become monks and become Ni, you can also bring your hair to practice, chanting scriptures and praying to Buddha every day, get together in your spare time to make some female red, embroider some handkerchiefs, screens, etc., and ask Miss Zhu to sell them to maintain the operating expenses in the nunnery. "     In this way, if something like ours happens in the future, those poor women who are bullied and tortured by men will not have nowhere to go."     Lin Jian said with a smile after hearing this. :     "Everyone experiences different things and thinks differently."     "There may be some strong women in this world who can pack up their bags and move on after experiencing setbacks, but there are also people who don't want to face it and just want to escape. "

    "Your nunnery has given women in this world an opportunity to choose. This ambition is far from lofty. I can't comment on it, but it must be very gentle."

    At this time, several girls echoed Chen Suqin's words and wanted to go to her. The nunnery helps, and they can be friends with each other.

    In the end, only Ruan Qingqing and Yun Qian'er remained silent.

    Under Lin Jian's curious eyes, Ruan Qingqing said,

    "Miss Yun family and I plan to cooperate to open a women's academy to accommodate some girls who have no chance to study, teach them to read and read wisely, and teach them their skills."

    "I think . , When all women in the world are like men, they have the opportunity to receive education since childhood, cultivate their independent thinking from childhood, and gradually influence and pass on from generation to generation, the goal that the nine princesses said should be easier to achieve, right?"

    Yun Qian'er followed closely. " Miss

    Ruan's family is in charge of the operation of the academy, and I am in charge of compiling the books. I will send someone to collect all the stories of women's positive and continuous struggle in the world, and write them into biographies, so that the children of the women's academy will have An example to learn from."

    After saying this, Ruan Qingqing and Yun Qian'er even discussed the details of the academy.

    I have to admit, this is a group of very thoughtful girls.

    If what they want to do is really successful, then the impact on women in this world will be very far-reaching.

    Then Lin Jian's original intention of staying here has been achieved.

    "Your ideas are all very good. After you improve and refine the plan, just let it go." Lin Jian said, "Just tell me if you are short of money or manpower, and I will find a way for you. If you encounter difficulties, you will also But tell me, I'll be responsible for solving it."

    At this stage of Lin Jian, she doesn't need to do many things herself.

    She gives directions, leads the overall situation, and then acts as their most solid backing with peace of mind. Naturally, someone will do the rest.

    That's how things settled.

    The girls also began to build, belonging to their ideal utopia.

    Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

    The girls' careers have been on the right track, their military exploits in wars have continued, the business of opening restaurants is booming, and they have made a lot of money. There are many poor people in the nunnery, and the Women's Academy has also trained many excellent girls.

    Two girls who traveled around and compiled herbal classics, measured the mountains and rivers of the motherland with their feet, and sent letters from time to time, telling others about the anecdotes they encountered along the way...

    They finally used their own way to live the most wonderful life life.

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