Chapter 333

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Chapter 333 The Nine Princesses of the Restoration of the Kingdom (31)

    The war did not last long.

    Based on Lin Jian's understanding of the Zerg and the girls' full preparation before the war, even though Beiying had an army of alienated Zerg, they were still defeated.

    Lin Jian warned the officers and men of Da'an that they should never show mercy to the worms of Beiying.

    There is no benevolence and righteousness or kindness to prisoners.

    Because these alienated worms can no longer be called humans, and they will never be willing to be captives to humans. The only way to eradicate them once and for all is to completely eradicate them.

    A month later, the war was over.

    The alienated insectoid army of Beiying Kingdom completely disappeared under the double attack of Da'an Kingdom and Xichang Kingdom, leaving no armor.

    The other two countries paid very little.

    At this point, Beiying Kingdom surrendered.

    After the surrender of the defeated country, the natural thing to do is to negotiate peace talks. Representatives of various countries sit together, grind their mouths, and discuss matters of ceding land and indemnity.

    Lin Jian wrote the battle in Cangyan City in the memorial and sent it to the capital.

    After reading it, Lin Yinhan directly appointed Lin Jian as the envoy of the peace talks, and was solely responsible for the negotiation with Beiying Kingdom.

    He still trusts Lin Jian very much.

    After all, she had negotiated experience in Xichang before, and directly extended the period of iron trade between the two countries from five years to 15 years.

    Therefore, Lin Yinhan is very confident that Lin Jian can also get a lot of benefits from Beiyingguo.

    The place of the peace talks was the imperial capital of Beiying Kingdom.

    In addition to Lin Jian, the envoys sent by Xichang were the princes of the dynasty, and because Beiying was a tribal alliance, the negotiators were the leaders of the tribes.

    The three parties gathered and the peace talks began.

    In the hall full of exotic flavors, the host of Beiying Kingdom was supposed to take the throne, but now they are defeated countries, and on their own territory, they have to be subordinated to the other two countries.

    Lin Jian was sitting first, with Lu Fan sitting next to him.

    She didn't talk too much, she said straight to the point:    But damn it, the tribal leaders of Beiying Kingdom had to submit.     After all, Da'an Kingdom can defeat even those maddened worms who are one enemy, not to mention the ordinary soldiers of Beiying Kingdom.

    "It has been a custom since ancient times to pay compensation to a defeated country, and we don't do those stupid things. I will ask Beiying country, how much are you going to pay?"

    Prince Xichang: ...

    Beiying tribe leader: ...

    Although It is a traditional custom for thousands of years, but Lin Jian's words are too straightforward. For Beiying Kingdom, it is extremely insulting.

    "Ninth Princess, your attitude is too arrogant at a young age!" said the leader of the Hatu tribe, "My Beiying's dignity will never allow you to be so sullied!"

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