Chapter 381

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Chapter 381 The Chief Female Forensic Doctor (11)

    After Lin Jian had her own ideas, she started her own actions.

    She plans to go around the killer's range of activities. Only in this way can she "discover the clues just right" and provide them to her colleagues.

    So Lin Jian dressed herself up:

    wearing clothes that she hadn't usually worn, and a maroon wig with big waves.

    Painted flaming red lips and put on large-framed sunglasses, covering most of the face.

    After all, the information of the members of the Pingcheng inspection team has already been exposed on the Internet. If she appeared in her original image, it would definitely make the murderer vigilant.

    So she could only disguise so as not to arouse the suspicion of the murderer.

    According to the information mentioned in the email and the clues that the police have obtained, she first arrived at Yuyang Lake, and then went upstream along the direction of the current.

    At this moment, Lin Jian was like an ordinary tourist.     "The corpse dismemberment case has a great impact. If it can't be solved as soon as possible, it will cause panic among the people; there is also a private detective who is eyeing us and wants to trample us underfoot."     "I came out in a hurry."     He Fangqin Hearing this, he immediately disapproved and said,     "Last time you went to the Huaishan Cemetery by yourself, met the murderer on a narrow road, and got injured. How dare you run around alone this time?     " Be careful." Lin Jian chuckled, and then quickly changed the subject, "I called you this time because I found a clue."     He Dui couldn't care less, and immediately asked,     "What clue? ?"     Lin Jian asked Tongzi to call up the map in his mind, and replied,     "There is a trail in the dense forest upstream of Yuyang Lake. This road leads directly to the sewage outlet of a certain chemical factory."

    She sometimes looked at the scenery around Yuyang Lake, and sometimes stopped to take pictures. At first glance, she was no different from other people who came here to travel.

    No one expected that she was the forensic doctor of the inspection team of the Pingcheng Police Station.

    Lin Jian circled around the murderer's range of activities and made sure that each camera left her own image, proving that her evidence did not appear out of thin air, but came from an on-the-spot investigation.

    Then, she took out her mobile phone and called Captain He Fangqin.

    "Xiao Lin forensic doctor?" Captain He answered the phone and asked, "Didn't I tell you to rest at home? What's the matter with the call now?"

    Lin Jian paused, and after sorting out her thoughts, Said:

    "He team, I didn't rest at home."

    "Sorry, I disobeyed your order, I disguised myself and went to the upper reaches of Yuyang Lake to investigate."

    "As far as I know, this chemical plant is just qualified to purchase highly toxic substances such as sodium cyanide."

    "At the other end of the dense forest trail is the famous gathering place of foreigners in Pingcheng. This is the old city, which is old. The rent is cheap, and the population is very mobile.”

    “There is almost no surveillance on the trails or the old city. The people who walk back and forth on this road are basically chemical factory employees.”

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