Chapter 323

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Chapter 323 The Nine Princesses of the Restoration of the Kingdom (21)

    Except for some secrets that can't be said, Lin Jian has basically said everything that can be said.

    Although the whole story sounds weird, terrifying and exaggerated, it is still convincing in the face of iron-clad facts.

    After all, those terrifying bugs were seen by Lin Yinhan and Concubine Chen Huanggui with their own eyes.

    After explaining it clearly, the hall fell into silence for a while.

    Lin Jian saluted Lin Yinhan and Chen Huang's concubine again, and said,

    "Father, mother, concubine, since I revived Ajiu's body and occupied her body, there is cause and effect with her. "

    I will act according to her thoughts and thoughts, and I will not do anything to hurt you or Da'an. Please rest assured."

    Concubine Chen Huang resisted the desire to cry and pulled Holding Lin Jian's hand, he said,

    "Of course I believe in you. Without you, this Da'an Kingdom would be over. You are the benefactor of our entire country. It is too late for us to thank you."

    "I am sad, not because You occupied Ah Jiu's body, but as a mother, I didn't know anything about Ah Jiu's death, and I didn't even see her for the last time..."

    Lin Jian was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.

    She is really not good at comforting others. After all, in the past thousand years, Jianxiu's life, apart from cultivation, is to become stronger.

    The word comfort has never appeared to her.

    "I made you laugh." Lin Yinhan said to Lin Jian, "The awakening of the monster is too unbelievable and should not be known by the public, so as not to cause turmoil and panic. As for you, since Ajiu chose you, then you It's the ninth princess of my Da'an Kingdom."

    Lin Yinhan is the emperor after all, and he knows how to choose the best result.

    Lin Jian was blessed and said,

    "Thank you, Father, I actually have one more thing to ask for today."

    "What's the matter?" Lin Yinhan asked.     Lin Yinhan smiled, some things, everything is silent, it's good to know each other well.     That afternoon, Lin Yinhan's imperial edict came down:

    "Those bugs that live in people's bodies are not only in Da'an, but also in Xichang and Beiying. These things are extremely difficult to deal with." Lin Jian said, "I want to go to these two countries to help them solve this matter.

    Lin Yinhan nodded and said solemnly: "

    It's time to go! Alien invasion is the common enemy of all the people in this land, and I will not sit idly by neighboring countries.

    " The spread of insects will still threaten Da'an one day, so everything you have done for Da'an will be for nothing."

    "But I won't let you help in vain. Since you are the ninth princess of Da'an, when you help, It's reasonable for Da'an to fight for some benefits, right?"

    Lin Jian couldn't help but smile when he heard this -

    even though Lin Yinhan seems to be a kind and gentle person, he is still a feudal monarch, with imperial power and arrogance. Planning is a habit engraved in his bones.

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