Chapter 336

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Chapter 336 The Nine Princesses of the Restoration of the Kingdom (34)

    This year, Lu Fan led his troops to fight everywhere, eliminated the bandits who had been in chaos in Da'an, and opened up the main channels of trade between various places and countries, and there was no more family robbery.

    Therefore, Lu Fan succeeded in conferring the title of "Ping An" on the basis of his military merits.

    To calm the world, the four seas are at peace, it is for peace.

    At Lu Fan's request and Lin Jian's consent, the emperor of Da'an, Lin Yinhan, decreed that the Marquis of Ping'an and Princess Ning'an of Zhenguo be married.

    Feng Guanxia, ​​ten miles of red makeup.

    Starting from the Weiyang Gate of the imperial palace, after circling the capital three times, all the dowry was delivered, and finally he entered the General's Mansion.

    After getting married, Lu Fan didn't love the position of power, he directly handed over the military power, and only put on the false name of Hou Ye, and then accompanied Lin Jian to travel the world.

    They became the eyes and ears of the emperor on the people.

    Investigating corrupt officials, killing ministers, fighting bullies, catching robbers...

    When they see injustice on the road, they draw their swords to help each other; they speak up for the injustice in the world.

    The world admires their two noble qualities and admires the pure affection between them.

    In this era when three wives and four concubines are extremely normal, Lu Fan and Lin Jian have become a pair of enviable legends, and they are also well-known fairy couples in the capital of Da'an.

    In the following decades, Da'anguo has been operating in a good and efficient state, and it has naturally become the strongest country in the world.

    The state of Xichang retreated, the state of Beiying did not dare to fight, and the other small barbarian states even bowed their heads.

    This situation continued until Lin Yinhan died, and Lin Jian's elder brother, the prince, inherited the throne, and there will be a tendency to continue.

    Lin Jian stayed in this world until she was sixty years old.

    In ancient times, when the average life expectancy was generally not high, sixty years old was considered a long life.

    On a sunny and sunny afternoon, she chose to leave, and Lu Fan did not delay, and followed directly behind, using her own death to create this legend of one person for life.

    By the time she left, the status of women in Da'anguo had improved a lot.

    In many social occupations, women have appeared, and reading and taking the imperial examinations is no longer the patent of men, and women also enjoy this right.

    And all of this was earned by Lin Jian and the girls with their lifelong efforts.

    In later generations, after a long, long time, some people used extremely delicate brushstrokes to record these unique girls -

    "The Legend of Da'an Lie Nv" has a cloud:

    the reign of Emperor Chongming was the beginning of the awakening of women's independent consciousness, and a group of women appeared. Pioneers dedicated to the advancement of women.


    have a gentle, jade-like attitude, like Ruan Qingqing.

    There is a clear and elegant, indifferent and bright spirit, like a cloud.

    Some people are calm and relaxed, very similar to those who have forgotten the opportunity in Nanshan, such as Chen Suqin.

    Some people are peaceful and dilute, and there are people who are not mediocre, such as Yu Lanzhou.

    Some people are simple and calm, wise and spiritual, they have experienced the vicissitudes of life, and they have precipitated a number of distressing pasts.


    are no longer obsessed with the entanglement of love, and their calmness makes them look bright and elegant.

    The past of his youth has turned into innumerable dreams of red dust.

    I understand that some people can't force it, and some things are destined to wither at an age that is not in the world.

    Washed away the lead, like cinnabar in the heart, even if it was once submerged in the crowd, but finally detached from the crowd.


    Looking down on utility and temptation, the wind is surging outside, I stroll in the leisurely courtyard and watch the flowers bloom.

    The golden house incense car, the brocade clothes and jade food are not as simple as the simple heart; a prosperous dream is better than a cup of tea, a scroll of the Heart Sutra, and watching the world pass by, and the fallen flowers are colorful.

    They have faded away the powder, and their eyes are calm and gentle, not showing mountains, not showing water, but showing a kind of watery and delicate air in their gestures.

    Like a narcissus lingering and looking forward under the moonlight, it is also a bright red blooming on the tip of the knife.

    Yuanyang holds a long sword in their sleeves. They are weak women, but they are also true chivalrous men.

    They -

    faced with the difficulties and disappointments of life, embraced them calmly, without complaining about others, without being sad.

    In a shabby room with sackcloth, rough food and light meals, his expression is also contented.

    Like a landscape painting, the seemingly monotonous colors contain a natural artistic conception.

    Like a poem of Dongpo, graceful yet graceful and bold.

    Like a Zen machine, chewing and savoring in the red dust, suddenly understand.


    in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the world, walked through the whirling world of the world calmly and calmly.

    The sky is high and cloudless, and the place is calm.

    in the time tunnel.

    Tongzi used his monotonous mechanical voice to read this article praising the girls to Lin Jian with emotion and passion.

    After reading it, he also said:

    [Writing is really good! 】

    Lin Jian couldn't help but smile, these delicate brushstrokes and gentle words let her know that the girls' efforts were not in vain.

    They are examples for future generations to learn from.

    [The original owner's commission has been completed, and the power of the soul has been collected. 】

    [Save the current plane from the invasion of the interstellar zerg, and the merits of heaven have been released. ]

    [Going to the next plane soon...]

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