Chapter 420

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Chapter 420 Stunning Alchemist (26)

    Lin Jianjian pulled a tiger's skin as a banner, and acted under the banner of Xuanzun. Of course, Lu Fan couldn't appear in front of everyone in a state of spirit.

    She took out an elixir from the space and handed it over:

    "Take it."

    Lu Fan didn't doubt it at all, he took it and swallowed it, and then asked,

    "What kind of elixir is this?"

    "You don't have any doubts. If you know what kind of medicine, you dare to take it casually? Aren't you afraid that I will hurt you?" Lin Jian asked with a smile.

    "Can you?" Lu Fan asked back.

    "Of course not." Lin Jian shrugged and explained, "This is the real soul-shaping pill. It was made by taking time to refine, and it is something that can really shape and regenerate the soul."

    Lu Fan nodded and said,

    "Very good, In the future, I will be able to accompany you better, instead of being like the previous Demon Venerable, who always needs to live in Jade Perry to be nurtured."

    Lin Jian smiled, and then worked with Lu Fan to take care of this place.

    With a wave of Lu Fan's hand, he dragged Ruan Beiying and her confidants into the dark abyss, and went with the shredded body of Demon Venerable.

    Soon, it was back to normal here, as if nothing had happened.

    No one knew that the Demon Venerable in the dark abyss had escaped and almost caused immeasurable damage to this continent.

    Lin Jian brought Lu Fan back to Fengwu College.

    In order to follow Ruan Beiying, she took a long leave from Mr. Cangwu. Now that several months have passed, the freshman experience is over.

    "You still know how to come back!" Mr. Cangwu's vigorous voice came from the courtyard of the alchemy department.

    Immediately afterwards, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Jian and scolded:

    "Do you know that at the end of the freshmen's experience, it is the time when each teacher chooses a direct disciple. I had already planned to officially accept you as a disciple, but the result was good, you disappeared without a trace!"

    Mr. Cangwu Blowing his beard and staring, he looked at Lin Jian with dissatisfaction.

    This old man is very arrogant. He had a crush on Lin Jian early in the morning, but he didn't mention a word.

    But Lin Jian didn't play cards according to the routine, and the important occasion was not there.

    After listening to Mr. Cangwu's words, Lin Jian said cheekily:

    "You can accept apprentices anytime, not necessarily at the ceremony, right master?"

    "Master, when you are free, I will give it to you. You kowtow and offer a cup of tea!"

    This is a master, who is extremely skilled.

    Liu Zhao didn't know when he came out, but he heard Lin Jian's words, and he was also cheeky:

    "Well, if you put a sheep, you will put a sheep, and if you put a flock of sheep, you will also put me away, master. My aptitude is incomparable to you and Jianling, but out of this yard, I'm also a genius!"

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