Chapter 428

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Chapter 428 Escape Female Anchor (06)

    Lin Jian listened carefully to Duan Shaowei's popular science, and the audience in front of the screen were also wondering:

    What is the origin of the newcomer?

    The first time I came into contact with this game, how could it be so awesome?

    "Is there anything else you don't understand?" Duan Shaowei asked Lin Jian after finishing speaking.

    "There's really a problem." Lin Jian said, "Since ten dungeons are cleared at one time, it is considered a complete clearance, so why not stay here for a few days and nights?"

    Some levels are less difficult and can be cracked in a few minutes. .

    But like the battle royale just now, if it wasn't for the fact that Lin Jian's force value was high enough to clear the customs ahead of time, he would have to flee for three hours inside!

    It takes so long for one copy, ten copies, a few days and nights may not be enough.

    When Duan Shaowei heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said,

    "That's true."

    "The game's banner is 100% real, so its time flow rate is exactly the same as the outside."

    "It is precisely because of this, So after each level, if you continue to challenge, the game will give players a certain rest time."

    "Where we are now is the lounge."     "But there is a special thing, the hunger bar."     "In In the game, it’s the same as when we’re outside, there will be snacks and dry food in the lounge to supplement when you’re hungry.”     Of course, you can only eat during the rest time, and it’s another matter if you’re not full.     Lin Jian probably figured out some problems through Duan Shaowei's narration.     The level will only get more and more difficult, like giving them ten minutes to rest this time, and later, the rest time may be extended accordingly.     Overall, the game's settings are fairly scientific.

    "Here, the player's physical strength can be improved with the passage of time. To recover, no matter how long you run outside, when the rest time is over, the player must be in a state of full physical strength."

    This is like charging a mobile phone, this lounge is a place for players to charge.

    But Lin Jian grasped the point:

    "Full physical strength? That is to say, only physical strength can be recovered?"

    Duan Shaowei nodded and said,

    "Yes, only physical strength."

    "As for other factors such as fear, energy, etc. value, etc., nothing will change.”

    However, just restoring physical strength is very unfriendly to many people.

    If you are a timid person, in the campus battle royale level just now, if you encounter those monsters, you will be scared to death. What is the use of even full physical strength?

    He may not be able to overcome the panic in his heart and dare not even go out.

    Not to mention the challenge.

    "Last question." Lin Jian spoke again, "You said that the time in the game is exactly the same as the outside, so we stay in the game for several days, don't we eat or drink outside, and lie down for a few days and nights? Duan Shaowei gave

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