Chapter 369

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Chapter 369 White Moonlight Stand-in (35)

    Lu Weizhou's words were not nonsense either.

    Although Lin Jian is now a world-renowned designer, she is a grass-roots rise after all, and her connections and resources are mostly in the fashion design industry.

    The Lu family was different.

    The wealthy and prestigious families in the south, the centuries-old families, are existences that can be compared with the Mohists.

    In terms of financial resources and contacts, they are much higher than Lin Jian, and they are also able to invite those international medical authorities to treat Lu Fan.

    In Lin Jian's opinion, the Lu family is not bad.

    In order to find Lu Fan, Lu Weizhou and his wife did not want other children for 20 years. This moved Lin Jian very much. If Lu Fan went back with them, they should be properly taken care of.

    Seeing that Lin Jian had been silent, Ms. Qin was a little anxious, with a bit of toughness in her tone:

    "Miss Lin, Fan'er can save this life, thanks to your help all these years, you are the great benefactor of our family, we Thank you very much."

    "But to be honest, you and Fan'er are not related by blood, but we are his parents and relatives."

    "With our ability and means, we don't need to pass through you to take him away. Agree, but we respect you, and please understand our painstaking efforts as parents."

    Lin Jian couldn't help but smile after hearing this.

    If others heard these words, they might feel threatened, but Lin Jian didn't take it to heart. To her, the Lu family was not an important person.

    As long as Lu Fan can be safe.

    Moreover, it was not that Lin Jian couldn't understand Ms. Qin's impatience.

    As a mother, I care about my lost child for so many years.

    She is obviously several years younger than her sister-in-law, but she looks even more haggard and older, which shows that she cares about her own children.

    So Lin Jian replied:

    "Ms. Qin, you don't have to be nervous, I have no intention of not agreeing."

    "Instead of letting him lie in the hospital bed for the rest of his life, of course I would prefer him to receive better treatment and hope he can recover soon.

    " He can leave, but I also have conditions."

    "What conditions? If you want money or a house, as long as you say something, our Lu family will have nothing to say." Ms. Qin said.

    Lin Jian shook her head and said with a smile:

    "I don't want any of these, I can earn it by my own ability."

    "My condition is that after you take him away, you don't cut off contact with me, and let me know from time to time. If you have news about him, you can even go see him when you have time."

    "Although you are blood relatives, he and I are also relatives who have lived with each other for 20 years. I care about him no less than you do."

    After hearing Lin Jian's words, the rest of the Lu family were stunned.

    I thought she was going to rely on her kindness to Lu Fan, and the lion opened her mouth, but she didn't expect that she only had such a small request.

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