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Chapter 141 Wulin Demon Head (13)

    As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

    The people shuddered. Unexpectedly, after so many years, the lively and festive cruise ship event was filled with blood and bones.

    People who were happy before because their daughter was invited to board the ship are now making a fuss, clamoring for their daughter to come back.

    "Where are people hiding?" Lin Jian asked.

    The man in black robe pointed to the cabin under his feet and said,

    "There is a mezzanine with a lot of space below, and the mechanism is under the third wooden board on the right side of the mast


    " The girls who were invited to board the boat were all inside, and they were fine when they got on the boat, they were alive and kicking, but they were all unconscious when they got on the boat.

    "Several brothers on the shore, come up to help and take these girls down." Lin Jian shouted at the group of Jianghu people living in the Guiyun Inn on the shore.

    Everyone did not refuse, and came up to help one after another, and others followed.

    Not long after, the girls were all brought back to the shore and back to their parents and relatives, but the girls who were chosen to take away a few years ago could not come back.

    In the crowd, many people had red eyes.

    "Kill them--kill them--" "The demons of the demon sect are

    full of evil and sinful, and everyone will be punished!"

    "Nvxia Lin, kill the demons of

    the demon sect!" I don't know who started it. In a short time, the crowd was excited, and everyone shouted, asking Lin Jian to execute all these people and avenge the innocent people who died in vain.

    The brother surnamed Hu said earlier,

    "Nvxia Lin, please also hand over Liu Sandao to you, and you want to take revenge yourself."

    Lin Jian heard the words and kicked Liu Sandao out, landing on the brother surnamed Hu. Next to him, he turned his head and told Qin Shuang:

    "Let them commit suicide. People in the Demon Sect have no bottom line in their actions, and it is useless to keep them."

    Qin Shuang took a deep breath and did as Lin Jian said. neck.

    Lin Jian finally made up a sword.

    Twenty-seven corpses sank to the bottom of the Huai'an River, accompanied by an exquisite cruise ship.

    The truth came out and the matter was resolved. When the crowd was about to disperse, Lin Jian flew out and swept in a certain direction in the crowd.

    Afterwards, he grabbed a handsome man in a blue gown and carrying a guqin on his back.

    Tongzi called out in Lin Jian's mind:

    [It's him, it's him! Today he changed another human skin mask! ]

    [But he doesn't know that the monitoring system has a see-through function. No matter how many masks he changes, the system can still see it! ]

    That's right, this man with a guqin on his back and a weak breath is Lu Fan's dog coin.

    Seeing Lin Jian's actions, the people from the rivers and lakes in Guiyun Inn asked suspiciously,

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