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Chapter 241 The Female Leader of the End Times (33)

    Lin Shaoting was very refreshing.

    Without saying a word, he promised to write a letter of introduction to Ding Ling, without even showing his face.

    Things came so easily that Ding Ling regretted her choice even more, and was even more annoyed at why she went to Meng Zhicheng instead of coming back to the Lin family.

    But now, that's it, it's useless to say anything.

    Ding Ling left Lin's house with the letter of introduction, went around several times, and returned to Meng Zhicheng's residence after making sure that there was no tail behind her.

    Meng Zhicheng is waiting for her at home.

    Ding Ling walked up to him, took off the miniature camera on the button in front of her, and told everything she saw in the Lin family villa.

    What the camera captures is only part of it, what Ding Ling has seen and heard is the key.

    When Meng Zhicheng heard the conversation between the father and son of the Lin family, his face suddenly darkened, and he asked Ding Ling as if confirming:

    "Do you really hear the words 'Captain Zhou'? Do you really hear that they will use military power to snatch supplies ?"

    "Yes, I'm sure." Ding Ling was firm.

    After hearing this, Meng Zhicheng sneered suddenly, and then sneered:

    "What a Zhou Mian! Face to face with one set and one behind the other, the two-faced kung fu play is very good! I really think he is doing things for me sincerely!"

    Ding Ling Unable to hold back, he asked, "Captain Zhou is referring to Zhou Mian?"

    Meng Zhicheng looked at Ding Ling, and seemed to think that she had brought back useful information. He was very kind and willing to answer her questions.

    So he opened his mouth and said:

    "That's right, a woman like you is all about crawling on a man's bed, just for a few bites, and of course doesn't care about the situation in the

    base ." In charge of base operations and supplies, he is in charge of base security and order."

    "But you also know that soldiers have always had a special status in our country, and the people also have a kind of natural trust in soldiers, thinking that they are heroes who defend their homeland and the country. For a long time, what the Lin family has said is more What my base director said should work."

    "Under this circumstance, Zhou Mian brought a group of superhumans to surrender to me, saying that he was willing to help me cultivate my own armed forces."

    What Meng Zhicheng lacked was the ability to communicate with the Lin family. counterbalanced combat power.

    Zhou Mian appeared with an ability team, which just made up for his shortcomings, so he accepted it as a matter of course, and in order to target the Lin family, he specially asked the Lin family to manage the internal security management of the base.

    Therefore, Zhou Mian also served as the captain of the security brigade of the base, and was called Captain Zhou by everyone.

    And now, the Lin family and Zhou Mian are united and say "use military power to seize supplies", how can Meng Zhicheng not be vigilant?

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