Chapter 406

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Chapter 406 Stunning Alchemy Master (12)

    Lin Jian came to the auction house this time to find the undead turtle bones and dragon scales.

    She has three copies of other materials, and with her alchemy experience and precision, she is confident that she will not go wrong and will not waste any materials.

    Only the two missing are a problem.

    In fact, she can find substitutes in her own space. After all, things that have disappeared here can be found more or less similar in the world of immortals.

    But she couldn't take it out easily, so as not to be discovered and coveted by others.

    Therefore, she thought of the auction house in Longwei City.

    The auction house has a history of hundreds of years, and the behind-the-scenes owner's family has collected countless good things, including undead tortoise bones and dragon scales, and they are in good condition.

    This is what she knew from the original plot -

    in the original plot, after Ruan Yulin, the son of luck, got the body of the phoenix, he cultivated a thousand miles, and in the later stage, he was almost invincible, so she could go wherever she wanted.

    Hearing that the Longwei City Auction House had some good things, she didn't ask to pick them up and took them for herself.

    But at that time, Ruan Yulin was already aloof, and no one said much about her behavior.

    Lin Jian stood at the door of the auction house, straightened her clothes, and made sure that there was nothing wrong with the mask on her face, and then walked in.

    There is a servant in charge of reception at the entrance of the auction house.

    When he saw Lin Jian, he glanced up and down, and found that although the girl was wearing a mask, the clothes on the top and bottom of her body were of the best material, woven with gold silk, which could not be easily worn.

    So, he immediately greeted him:

    "Girl, do you want to hold the auction, or do you have something you want to participate in the auction?"

    "Both." Lin Jian said, "I have a bottle of Grade 6 Advanced Pill here, a total of Ten, the most important thing is that there is no erysipelas, where can I get an estimate?"

    "Sixth Grade Advanced Pill, no erysipelas? Could the girl frame me?" The little servant was a little skeptical.

    "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in your auction house, wouldn't it be enough to find someone to appraise it? In front of a high-level alchemist, you can tell at a glance what grade a medicinal pill is." Lin Jian said.

    After hearing this, the servant nodded in agreement:

    "Come with me, girl."

    Soon, the servant took Lin Jian to the inner hall of the auction house.

    The whole journey was a separate passage, and I did not meet anyone else.

    This is why the auction house has been able to do it for so long. The confidentiality is particularly strong, protecting the privacy of customers, and will not bring unprovoked disasters to customers.

    The servant handed Lin Jian over to the people in the inner hall, whispered a few words, and quickly went out.

    Someone else in the inner hall entertained her alone.

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