Chapter 430

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Chapter 430 Escape Female Anchor (08)

    In the next period of time, it was Lin Jian's solo show.

    The others were only responsible for rolling dice and taking steps, and all the triggering punishment tasks were handed over to Lin Jian alone.

    Thorns to thorns? She danced on the thorns with the glasses girl!

    A rain of arrows? She is strong and strong, and she hit those arrow rains back with her backhand!

    Of course, everyone hasn't been so unlucky all the time.

    There was a period of time in the middle, and for several consecutive rounds, all five people threw to the blank and moved forward very calmly.

    Finally, after more than half an hour, Lin Jian helped the others clear the customs.

    And she specially controlled her progress, and after the other four passed the level smoothly, she also reached the end of the flying chess.

    "Congratulations to the five players who passed this level: Violent Ludo."

    "Please choose whether to continue the challenge. If you choose 'Yes', you will get a ten-minute rest time. If you choose 'No'..." The

    mechanical sound dutifully reported , still the same words.

    The five people chose "Yes" in unison, and soon, the scene around them changed again, which was a sign that the player was about to be sent to the lounge.

    Before leaving, the thin man shouted at Lin Jian and the others:

    "Boss, Wei Shao, I hope to meet you again in the next level. With you here, it's really easy to pass the level!

    " The figures disappeared, and they should have been teleported to their lounge.

    Soon, Lin Jian and Duan Shaowei also entered the lounge.

    Although the two of them didn't come in as a team, they entered the same level chain by chance, and they passed the level at the same time every time, so the next level is likely to be together.

    Duan Shaowei slumped on the sofa like a salted fish and sighed:

    "I can't imagine that I have passed three levels in a row, and it only took me more than two hours." "If this was left before,     just

    a campus battle royale would have exhausted me half to death."

Lin Jian alone, her clearance speed will only be faster.

    But now, to help Duan Shaowei, she also helped Fatty and a few of them before, which seriously slowed down her personal progress.

    Duan Shaowei understands this principle, and so does the audience in front of the screen.

    Therefore, everyone thought to themselves:

    How strong is Lin Jian?

    What is the origin of her, why does she have such a strong physical quality, and such a superb force value?

    This is not only what the audience cares about, but also what the relevant state departments care about.

    Off the screen, the investigator looked at the information in his hand that belonged to the original owner Lin Jian, and then looked at the powerful man who killed all directions in the live broadcast room, and fell into deep thought.

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