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Chapter 261 Genius Demon Catcher (07)

    After hearing this, everyone sighed with emotion, and their guilt towards Lin Jian deepened.

    It was obvious that the five of them came out together, but because of their negligence, Zhao Yueli was fooled by the monster and Lin Jian almost died.

    But Junior Sister Lin didn't blame them. Even if she was seriously injured, she still remembered to leave clues.

    Keep them from spinning around like headless flies.

    At the same time, Tongzi laughed out a pig cry in Lin Jian's mind:

    [Hahahahahaha! ]

    [Host dad, it's been a long time since I saw you being so serious! 】

    【What is "if you are Lin Jian"? You are Lin Jian! ]

    [It's kind of like putting gold on his face, and making this group of second-hand people stunned for a while! 】

    Lin Jian: ...

    This Tongzi is rebellious, after all, he can't stay!

    Seemingly sensing Lin Jian's thoughts, Tong Zi immediately froze and didn't dare to complain, and instead asked about serious matters:

    [Why did you lead them to Yuxi City? 】

    "I have to go to Yuxi City to do something." Lin Jian said, "The original owner's entrustment is not only to deal with the son of luck." The

    original owner has three wishes, namely:

    no more wars in the country, no more monsters in the world , kill the son of luck.

    For Lin Jian, the son of luck is the best to deal with. As long as Zhao Yueli is under her eyelids, there will be no waves.

    And she is a monster hunter, so it makes sense to eliminate monsters.

    But to stop the national army and Haiqing Heyan, she can't go to war, right?

    What's more, her strength is always limited by herself, and she can't rely on the cultivation of Nascent Soul to interfere too much in human affairs.

    Therefore, she wants to use the original power of this era-

    she wants to choose a reliable force from the various forces that are divided between the north and the south and the east and west, and let him unify the mountains and rivers.

    As long as the country is no longer divided, the war will naturally decrease until it disappears completely.

    When the war stops, there will no longer be a steady stream of dead people in the world, the blood and grievances between heaven and earth will also decrease accordingly, the nutrients of monsters will be reduced, and the monsters will also be reduced.

    This creates a virtuous circle.

    So the question is, how can we find out who is a reliable force?

    Now is not an online society, and her hacking skills are useless; the original owner of her possession is not a high-ranking person, and there are very few contacts at her disposal.

    So she can only collect information by herself.

    As the most prosperous city in the south, Yuxi City has a large population and is a good place to inquire about information.

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