Chapter 450

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Chapter 450 The Female Anchor Escape (28)

    The evil god's way of increasing his cultivation is to absorb the virginity and qi and blood of unmarried women.

    It made a deal with the villagers of Nether Village. As long as the people of Nether Village can guarantee to send him a certain number of young women every year, then he will be responsive to the villagers.

    Since then, there has been a new custom in Nether Village:

    offering sacrifices to mountain gods.

    But of course the villagers wouldn't say sacrifice directly. They packaged it up and turned it into a wife for the mountain god.

    They selected unmarried girls from the village, put on wedding dresses and hijabs, and sent them to Shanshendongfu.

    The euphemistic name is to let these women marry mountain gods and live a good life.

    In fact, it ruined the lives and futures of these girls, causing them to completely perish at the most vivid age.

    Based on the original NPC's memory, Lu Fan said everything:

    "Nether Village used to be a very large village, and its population was several times the current size."

    "But with the sacrifice of young unmarried women every year, the young men in the village have become If you can’t get a wife, your marriage will become less and less, so that no offspring will be born, and the population will become less and less.”

    “The village chief knows that this is not the way to go. If it doesn’t change, the Nether Village will cease to exist sooner or later.”

    “But They are also reluctant to give up the various benefits brought by the evil gods, and are unwilling to stop offering sacrifices." "So, they prayed to the     evil

    gods to gain eternal life. As long as they don't die, then there will always be people in the ghost village, and they will never die."

I feel that it is very difficult to find such a place of cultivation that is isolated from the world, and that there are such a group of fools willing to provide him with nutrients for cultivation.

    So it agreed to the villagers' request.

    It asked the villagers to build the entire village into the shape of yin and yang gossip, and arranged the appropriate location according to each person's birth date and five elements.

    will cease to exist sooner or later.” The entire gossip array is connected with its own destiny.

    As long as it lives, the villagers living in the array will live forever, which is equivalent to eternal life.

    When Lin Jian heard this, she understood in her heart:

    No wonder the layout of this village is like this, it turned out to be because of the evil god!

    "Even if they get immortality, the number of young girls in the village is limited!" Lin Jian said, "In order to continue to sacrifice to the evil god, they must have done something else?"

    For example, the disappearance near Nether Village.

    Another example is an ignorant person like her who was deceived by her roommate.

    Lu Fan nodded and continued:

    "That's right, the villagers who got immortality have been completely lost in the temptation of immortality."

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